Wednesday, January 1, 2020


50 Day New Year’s Challenge 

Hey! If you are looking for a Totally Doable New Years Resolution that’ll both help you grow Spiritually and help you become a more effective Witness for Jesus, I’d like to invite you to join me in a 50 Day Genesis Challenge!

Here’s how it works...

1. Every Day for 50 Days, read One Chapter from the Book of Genesis starting with Chapter 1 on January First.

2. Pick One verse that speaks to you or means something to you from the Chapter you read. Then...

3. Text, Tweet, Post or Share the complete text and reference for that verse and why it means something to you as you share it.

What you are doing in accepting this 50 Day Challenge is you are choosing to daily engage with God’s Word in a personal way, and then making your engagement public. This is the essence of evangelism, sharing the good news!

And, listen to what The Bible tells us God does when His Word is Shared:

"It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it." - Isaiah 55:11

So, Join me for 50 Days in 2020, and let’s see what God does both in us and through us when we faithfully engage with and share the Word of God, as we Keep on Keepin’ on in Jesus into the New a Year!


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