Wednesday, January 8, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 8

"Then God spoke to Noah, saying..." Genesis 8:15

This verse stands out to me today for a few reasons. One is because it’s the first audibly spoken Word from God since the week in which Noah and his family entered the Ark. Think of all the time that has passed, and all that they have gone through from that point until this one, without a spoken Word from God in between.  

Another reason is because it is evidence that God still has more for Noah. That the best God has is still to come. That, though He’s completed his mission, God is still speaking. He’s fulfilled his calling, but there’s more to live for, to do, to be, to become. God’s not done speaking to Noah, and He’s not done speaking through Noah. This verse is a reminder that, what God leads us TO, He will also see us THROUGH, in order that we may become fully WHO He has created us to be. It’s ALL for a reason... Everything. And, there’s more...

Finally, I guess I just have to wonder, what was the tone of God’s voice in what Noah was about to hear? How was He about to speak and what was He about to speak? As a parent, I know that my kids know my "tones" of voice. Really, there is a tone for every verbal interaction I have with them. And, many times, my tone is intentionally communicating something my words don’t even come close to saying.  

The timing of this verse feels to me as if it is leading to a tone of intimate, personal, approval, affirmation and encouragement. At least, that’s probably the tone I would have chosen as a parent for this moment. A tone that communicates a combination of "I love you so much!" / "Way to Go!" and "Dude! That was Totally Awesome!"

Speak to me Lord, today. Help me to not only hear, but to also receive in my heart everything I need to make it through everything that is still to come. I trust You. I believe in You. I choose to know that the best You have for me is still to come, and that I hear in my heart Your tone of encouragement as I Keep on Keepin’ on in Jesus.



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