Tuesday, January 7, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 7

"And it came about after the seven days, that the water of the flood came upon the earth." Genesis 7:10

I don’t want to write about this verse today. I just don’t want to do it. I want to write about 7:5. Something quick, short, and tweet-able... But, I feel like God is saying something to me about 7:10. So... here it goes.

Something tells me that those were an unimaginably difficult seven days for Noah and his family. Seven days of choosing to continue to believe. Seven days... following a century of the relentless pursuit of the fulfillment of an "impossible" task, of choosing to press daily into the toil of his heavenly calling, of willing himself into persistence, of embracing tenacity, of choosing faithfulness decade after decade, year after year, month after month, week after week, day after day... and now it comes to this. Seven days of waiting and just looking at this... Ark. Seven days of waiting for God to do what He said He was going to do. In those seven days was Noah thinking to himself "Will all of this really happen just like God said it would?"

As I think about those final seven days of waiting, I wonder about myself... Would I have even made it that far? Would I have "pitched" the "Ark" idea long before, and left it for something more practical, feasible, plausible, doable...? What would my wife have thought about all of that Ark Stuff? What about my friends? Would I have remained faithful to the heavenly vision no matter what or who it cost me? Could I have been like Noah? 

In reality, all of us who love Jesus and who are living for Him now, are actually in the same "boat" as Noah and his family. Aren’t all of us in a season of waiting? Ultimately, aren’t all of us as followers of Jesus, waiting for Him to come back, waiting for God to fulfill His Word to us, waiting to see if it’s all going to happen like God’s Word says it is? In the mean time, have we received a life-task, a vision, or a calling, from God? If so, are we choosing the relentless, tenacious, faithful pursuit of its fulfillment? If not, why not? And, if not, are we in fact forgetting, or maybe even dismissing, or disregarding... the Great Commission itself?!?

Our lifetime’s today don’t allow us to fulfill a one hundred year construction project, but they do allow us the building of a network of people we are sharing or are attempting to share Jesus with. Are we doing that? After those last seven days, Noah and his family had an Ark that they had built that they could enter and be spared in as the flood waters were unleashed upon the earth. Do you and I have a network of people we have reached out to and poured into who will be with us when Jesus comes back? Is there even one? If there is one, then couldn’t there be two? And if there are two, couldn’t we make it four? And, if four, why not eight? Is there really any limit to how many people God wants us to share Jesus with?

I guess my point is this, or maybe it’s God’s point, the task you and I have been given today is so much easier than Noah’s. All we have to do is pray for and then talk to the people we know and love, about Jesus. Will we? There’s still time you know... at least there is now, at present, in this moment and in this day. Let’s do something with the days we have left.  

Waddya say?!?



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