Wednesday, January 22, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 22

"And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son, and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So the two of them walked on together." Genesis 22:6

As followers of Jesus, the One who bore the Cross and laid down His life to save us from our sins, can we see the parallel imagery in this verse and this passage? Surrounded by, and feeling the multiple influences of idolatrous cultures of various kinds, Abraham, who has been chosen by God, is walking in relationship with a God that has repeatedly set Himself apart as... different from all other gods to say the least. And, ultimately as a God who is relationally revealing Himself to Abraham, as The Only, One True God.  

Abraham, in this passage, though relationally walking in obedience, is learning that his God does not require him to sacrifice his son. Though there are cultures and religions of Abraham’s time that do that very thing, Abraham, walking in faith, is about to come to know his God as YHWH-jireh, "The LORD My Provider."

Paul, in Philippians 4:19, through his own experiential and relational walk with Jesus, reminds the Church at Philippi Whom they are walking with as they trust Him through various trials when he says: "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

Today, do we realize, and will we choose to remember Who we walk in relationship with? Whatever we face, whatever the challenge, no matter how huge the cost, no matter how much the expense, or how large the bill... our Jesus can be trusted to provide exactly what we need, in the exact moment in which it is needed most. Will you trust Him today?

Thank You, Lord, for Your Faithfulness! Thank you, that in the 30 years in which I have walked with You, You have never once let me down. Thank You, that you always come through. Help me, LORD, to trust You more and more with each passing day.

In Jesus Name, Amen.



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