Tuesday, January 14, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 14

"And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High."  

                              - Genesis 14:18

I love this verse (and this chapter as a whole) because it’s a reminder to me that there is always a lot more going on around me than I realize, and that I am made by God to be both an agent of His deliverance and a partaker of His provision. It encourages me to know that God can not only be trusted to bring about miraculous victories, but that He can also be trusted to bring about miraculous insertions into my story, my context, or my circumstances at literally any turn. In fact, He can be trusted every day of my life, to be present at precisely the right time, with exactly what I most need... every time.

Lord Jesus, meet me where I am today. Make me aware of Your presence and Your plan. Use me to help set others free, and empower me to graciously receive of Your miraculous provision and sustenance.  

- Amen



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