Thursday, January 9, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 9

"Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant." Genesis 9:3

The hunter and fisherman in me truly loves this verse. And, without question, as I look back over my life, the time that I have been given and spent in the outdoors, in the pursuit of these moving creatures (in the context of hunting and fishing) are some of the most positive, memorable, and life-giving experiences I have ever had. And, to literally feed my family with the wild game I (we) have pursued and that God has provided (it’s literally what we eat every day)... I just consider it to be a tremendous honor, privilege and a blessing. And, theologically speaking, it is also a continuation of the fulfillment of the "Noahic Covenant" (Genesis 9:1-19).

Thank you Lord, for hunting and fishing, and for the time You spend and speak with us in and through Your Creation, as we experience and enjoy all of the bounty and blessings that go along with it.



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