Saturday, January 18, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 18

"Is anything too difficult for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son." Genesis 18:14

This whole Chapter is just so Rich. It’s hard to choose just one verse today. But, if I have to choose, the verse that stands out most is what the LORD has to say on His own behalf to Abraham. "Is anything too difficult for the LORD?"

No matter what I face, within the 365 days that make up the year 2020, it is so empowering to know that Nothing will be too difficult for the LORD. And, how inspirational it is to have the assurance that through faith there will be no such thing as an impossible situation. In 2020 whatever God Wills for me or for you, is Totally possible!

Help me, LORD, to draw as near as I can relationally to You. Speak Your possibilities into me through Your Word and Prayer, and empower me to Trust and Obey in and through each and every day. In Jesus Name, Amen.



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