Sunday, January 19, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 19

"...for the compassion of the LORD was upon Him;"

                          - Genesis 19:16c

This phrase just grabbed me this morning as I read from Genesis 19. I came back to it again and again, and just kept thinking about it... It just makes me so thankful for the day of my salvation 30 years ago when Jesus grabbed my hand and led me out of my life of sin, self-will, and destruction. And, it makes me realize how even now, Jesus’ hand of favor and compassion continues to be upon me, guiding me, directing me, leading me to safety, and into more and more freedom every day.

Thank you, Jesus, for your miraculous and moment by moment power, presence, guidance, deliverance and provision in my life. I truly love you, Lord!   - In Jesus’ Name, Amen



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