Wednesday, January 29, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 29

"And it came about, when Jacob saw Rachel...".  

                                - Genesis 29:10

This verse today reminds me of the moment that I first really "saw" the young woman that would one day be my wife. It was a Sunday night after church in Abilene, Ks. I was on a walk with Jesus, just talking to Him in my heart as I headed West on 3rd Street, toward the Mudd Creek Bridge. I heard this truck coming down the street behind me, it was a Vintage, Short-Bed, 55’ Ford Pickup... I watched it go by, and I knew that it was Angie Boyd driving that truck. Angie was a Senior in High School at the time and she was filled with the Spirit and living for Jesus with everything she had. I said in my heart, "Lord, if it be Your Will, please, when You think I’m ready, bring a woman who loves and lives for Jesus like Angie Boyd, into my life." I had no idea how literally Jesus was going to answer that prayer.

That was September of 1990 and we started dating that October. I put an engagement ring on her finger in August of 1991, and on May 15th of 1992 we got married in Browns Park, South of Abilene. It’s been nearly 28 years, we have four awesome Jesus loving children, a son-in-law who loves and lives for the Lord, and... Quite honestly I just can’t wait to see what God is going to do next.

Thank You, LORD, for the unknown and the unforeseen. Thank You that You hear us when we call, You listen to our prayers, and You move in our lives in ways we could never understand, even if You explained it to us. Thank You, that we can walk with You and Trust You with the journey. I Love You, LORD, and am so grateful for Your Grace, Mercy, Kindness and Faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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