Monday, January 13, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 13

"Arise, walk about the land through its length and breadth; for I will give it to you." Genesis 13:17

This is a verse I think about whenever I drive from one place to the next in my evangelism ministry, or whenever I’m working with local churches and helping to train them in prayer walking.  As I drive across the county lines or as I cross into the city limits of a community I will be preaching in, I pray and claim the Authority and Dominion of Jesus in every place I travel to. As I walk throughout a community when leading or teaching prayer walking, I pray and claim the Dominion and Authority of Jesus in and over that community. In every case, and in every place I go, I choose to believe that God has given me favor and blessing as I do whatever He leads me to do in the places where I get to go and do ministry.

In 2018 I completed the mission of praying in every County and at every County Courthouse in Kansas. Now, whenever I go wherever I go in this great State, right here in the heart of America, God reminds me that I’ve already prayed for this place, for these people, and that I can trust Him to bring forth fruit from my efforts in ministry. It’s an amazing blessing of confidence that I am now able to walk in because I trusted Him and completed the mission He gave me. What if you asked God to give you a place to pray over, around or through? Your home, workplace, school or community, perhaps? I believe God wants to move powerfully in us and through us, but in many cases He’s waiting to see if we’ll trust Him enough to take that first step.

I believe that now is the time for a New Great Awakening! And, I believe that it’s starting right now, in the heart of America, and in the hearts of the people of God right here in the center of this Nation. A Nation that God will literally give us if we’ll trust Him enough to go...

Father, please raise up a New Generation of people who believe, who are willing to take You at Your Word, and who are willing to "Go" wherever You lead them to go, Do whatever You lead them to do, and Be whoever You lead them to be in order to reach someone for You. - Amen



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