Monday, January 20, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 20

"Now therefore, restore the man’s wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you, and you will live. But if you do not restore her, know that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours." - Genesis 20:7

What a crazy passage this is! So, Abraham (with a brand new name, identity, and walking in covenant relationship with God) road-trips South. And, as he journeys he reverts to a former pattern of behavior where he lies, or at least fudges the truth, about the identity of his wife. While there, and because of the fudged truth, a local King decides to take Sarah (also sporting a new name and new identity in relationship with God) as his wife. Then God visits this King (who has actually knowingly done nothing wrong) in a dream and says: "Dude! You are a dead man because of the woman you have taken, for she is married." (Gen 20:3). And, in God’s conversation with this King (Abimelech), God defends and calls Abraham a "prophet" (a part of Abraham’s identity that he himself doesn’t even really know yet) and tells the King that Abraham, will pray for Abimelech, after he returns and restores Abraham’s wife, and he and his whole family/people will be healed and live... Wow!

What blows me away here is that God defends, stands up for, guards, and empowers Abraham supernaturally, even when he knowingly acts outside of faith, chooses to lie, and behaves in a way that is cowardly. God proves Faithful to His covenant, even when one whom he has chosen, walks outside of it. Interesting...

Thank you, LORD, for being to us and in relationship with us, a Covenant God, who refuses to break His Word to us. Even when we walk outside of our true identity and outside of our saving relationship with You, You remain True. Thank you, LORD, for remaining faithful, even at times and through seasons when we ourselves are faithless. In Jesus Name, Amen.



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