Tuesday, February 18, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 48

"Then Jacob said to Joseph, ‘God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me...’ "

                        Genesis 48:3

So... in this verse, Jacob is aged, sick, and rapidly deteriorating in health. He knows that his time on this earth is close to coming to an end. He is looking down the corridor of what remains of the time of his life and he knows that there are still a few more things for him to do before he goes. As he prepares to embrace these "last things" of life, and eternity itself, he looks his restored and beloved son in the eye, reaches back in time and experience, and reminds him of his story... As he does, he is reflecting on the reality that who he is in that "now" moment with his son, flows directly from who, where, and how he was, all those many years ago, when God found, appeared and revealed Himself to him personally.

Thank You God, for finding me exactly where, when and how You did. Thank You for the gift of Salvation and the experience of transformation and Sanctification that knowing You personally has brought about. Thank You for giving me, and each of us who know You, a story about when, where, and how we met You, and about what meeting You has meant to us. Please continue pouring Your Holy Spirit into and through me that my ongoing transformation and Sanctification may find me more and more like You, and who You desire me to be, with each and every passing day. And, as you do, give me both the repeated opportunity and the continuous outpouring of courage that empowers me to tell that story again, and again, and again, for as long as I live. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

#50Day GenesisChallenge


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