Wednesday, February 5, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 36

"Now these are the records of the generations of Esau (that is Edom)." Genesis 36:1

There is so much here, and in this chapter as a whole... so much, and it all flows from this first verse. The main thing that stands out to me from this verse and the verses that follow, is the understanding that who we are, what we do, and the lives we bring into this world, make a huge difference. And, each one of us, in our interactions with the lives of those who have descended from us, in reality, touch time and eternity, either for good or for evil. We all have the ability to make an eternal difference with our life and in the lives of all who come after us.

This phrase, "Now these are the generations of Esau..." is followed by name after name, of those who came to be leaders... chiefs... rulers... and kings. In other words, the generations that followed and that flowed from Esau were generations known for strong leadership. In fact, take a minute and read all of Genesis 36, I don’t think you’ll find a chapter in the Bible with more repetition of the word "chief" or "chiefs." Leaders came from Esau, and leaders came (as indicated in other chapters) from his brother Jacob, and these two brothers came from Isaac, who came from Abraham... All along this family line you find self-differentiated leaders who know and who have learned how to stand on their own, how to take action, and how to move forward, against the odds. Interesting...

LORD, thank you for the parts of my character, personality and identity that I both inherited and that I learned from my family. Thank you for their impact on my life and on who and what I am, and am becoming. Help me Lord, to walk in submission to You and Your Holy Spirit, that I might live and live out the strengths of Your Character, Your Personality and Your Identity as the predominating aspects of my own. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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