Friday, February 14, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 45

"And now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life."       Genesis 45:5

Joseph... Wow! This guy is unbelievable! What an amazing attitude, perspective, and faith-walk this man of God has. He sees into the hearts of his brothers, the very ones that have caused so much pain, suffering and complication in his life, he knows that they have been carrying guilt and shame their whole lives because of what they did to him, and he basically tells them "’s all good!" Then, he lets them know that he sees God’s hand in it all, that his circumstances, all of them, everything he has been through, ultimately served a greater purpose, that was crafted, guided, held, and brought about by the hand of God.

LORD, help me to wake up to the reality that everything that surrounds me, wherever I go, is a part of a much larger plan. Help me to embrace the reality that I have been given life, so that Your life can abundantly be poured through me. Use me wherever I am to be someone who touches time and eternity with all that I put my hands to. And, help me to know, and to live like I know, that in, with, and through You, it’s all good, all the time! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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