Sunday, February 9, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 40

"Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him." Genesis 40:23

Isn’t this something all of us have experienced... being forgotten, disregarded or let down by someone we expected more of? And yet (Chapter 41 spoiler alert!), there is about to be a need for one of the distinctive Spiritual Gifting’s God has given to Joseph. Finally, two full years after 40:23, Joseph is about to be remembered. Which means, he was never really forgotten in the first place, and God’s timing is... perfect.

Father, strengthen me through the seasons, experiences and the discomforts of waiting. Help me to trust that in Your reality, I am never overlooked, forgotten or forsaken. Forgive me for my impatience, and help me to know that in the waiting, You are arranging and creating circumstances I could never have even come close to creating, let alone possess the ability to understand. In Jesus’ Name I trust, wait and hope. Amen.



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