Sunday, February 16, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 47

"Then Joseph brought his father Jacob and presented him to Pharoah; and Jacob blessed Pharoah."

                         Genesis 47:7

"Brought" and "Blessed" these two words just seem to stand out to me today. Joseph brought... and Jacob blessed... and Pharoah received... That’s such an interesting scenario isn’t it? Here’s a guy who literally has everything, and he’s receiving a blessing from someone who comparatively speaking, has nothing. Jacob’s got stuff to be sure, but literally nothing compared to the stuff Pharoah has. But, what Jacob does have, he uses to give to someone who has it not. Jacob has faith, and the power to bless, so Jacob does what he can do... He faithfully blesses.

Jesus, use me today. Make me aware of everywhere You have brought me and of everyone You have brought me into contact with. Use me to be a blessing. Use me as a blesser. Use me to take all of who I am, and all that You have given me, and to willingly and wholeheartedly give it all away as a means of blessing those who don’t have... You. In Jesus Name, Amen



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