Saturday, February 8, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 39

"And the LORD was with Joseph, so he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian." Genesis 39:2

I love this verse for so many reasons! Just think for a moment about what all it teaches about the LORD... I love the word "with" here in this verse. I love the reality that through the LORD being "with" Joseph, he becomes successful (prosperous). And, I love it that the truths of the LORD being with him and making him successful are not halted, hindered, hampered or prevented, by the reality of Joseph’s actual status as a bought and paid for... slave. Though Joesph is "nothing" in this world’s reality, in God’s reality, the LORD being "with" Joseph is the MOST important thing. And, if God is "with" him, then who can really be against him?

LORD, make me aware of You and Your "with-ness" today. Empower me to want to be "with" You, and to choose to know that You are "with" me. Help me to understand that no matter what happens, where I am, or what is going on around me, that Everything is going to work out for the good because You are "with" me... In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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