Sunday, February 2, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 33

"Then he erected there an altar, and called it ‘El-Elohe-Israel.’"

                                 - Genesis 33:20

This verse is one of those that’s easy to miss, but, the reality is, this little verse is a HUGE statement of personal faith and identity. One of the irrefutable characteristics of human behavior is that people ALWAYS do what they truly believe. And, it’s the moments that no one is watching that really count.

Jacob is saying, in the action that he is taking, that he wholeheartedly believes in this God that has revealed Himself to him. And, that he will never forget or turn from following this God that has changed his life, his name, his identity, and Who has brought him miraculously safely thus far, all these many years. In other words, Jacob/Israel knows, there is no other God, and, no matter what the people or the world around him do or does, he has determined that he will turn nowhere else. As an exclamation point to this fact, he names the Altar, "God, THE God of Israel." In other words, Jacob has a new name (Israel), a new life (here in the land of promise), and his entire life has now been given to this One True God as a living sacrifice. This altar, which is now a permanent part of the landscape, is in Jacob’s new identity (Israel), a statement of faith regarding both who and Whose Jacob (Israel) now is... 

LORD, lead me I pray, to places of total surrender. Empower me to lay my life down more and more each day that I might be a living sacrifice, and more and more alive in You with each passing moment of every fleeting day of this life You have loaned me. Surround me LORD, with reminders of tangible moments, of places, and of times, that serve to remind me of my new identity in You, and of the professions of faith that I have made to You. Overwhelm me with the reality of your irrefutable faithfulness, and please, daily remind me of everywhere You have led, and will continue to lead me, as I walk in relationship with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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