Tuesday, February 18, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 49

"When Jacob finished charging his sons, he drew his feet into the bed and breathed his last, and was gathered to his people."

                    - Genesis 49:33

Jacob, officially "Israel" now by name (a name which means "God Contends" or "One who strives with God"), with the last breaths of his life, has just prophetically spoken identity, truth and blessings, over and into his Sons, and over and into all of the generations that will follow and flow through each and every one of them. And, in so doing, he has completed and fulfilled the entirety of the missions of his life, and the reasons for which he was put on this earth. He, has finished the race... and now this "heel snatcher" this one who "wrestled with God" and who had "seen God face to face" now draws his own feet into his bed, breaths his last, and is "gathered to his people."

I like that last phrase of the passage. There’s something about it that resonates with my soul and my recent experience of being with my Mom as she was "gathered to her people" on December the 8th, 2019. It’s a reminder and an affirmation to me of our faith, that through faith, death is in reality, a gathering time. A time when, if circumstances allow, the dying person’s family gathers together, shares and receives, blessed "last words" with their loved one, and during the course of that time, at some point determined by the hand of God, the dying person is actually carried from one gathering of family and friends... to another.  

It’s a gathering that takes place on the other side of their last breath. And, if you’ve ever been with someone in and through those precious moments in time, you know that it is also often the experience that during that process, the loved one who is dying begins to see... sometimes persons, sometimes places, and sometimes things, that are a part of the reality that’s on the other side of this one. A reality that, in eternal terms, is so much more real than our own present, "breathing" reality.

Thank You, LORD, for the opportunities I have had as a pastor, as a son, as a nephew, as a grandson and at times, as a friend, to be a part of moments of gatherings like this one. Thank You, LORD, for those who were recently gathered with me as I was with my Mom during her last week, and last moments of life. And, thank You LORD for the faith that comforts and empowers us all to face death, and times of death, as in reality, great victories for believers, for families of faith, and great celebrations and gatherings that take place unseen by us, on the other side of this temporal reality. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!



50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 48

"Then Jacob said to Joseph, ‘God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me...’ "

                        Genesis 48:3

So... in this verse, Jacob is aged, sick, and rapidly deteriorating in health. He knows that his time on this earth is close to coming to an end. He is looking down the corridor of what remains of the time of his life and he knows that there are still a few more things for him to do before he goes. As he prepares to embrace these "last things" of life, and eternity itself, he looks his restored and beloved son in the eye, reaches back in time and experience, and reminds him of his story... As he does, he is reflecting on the reality that who he is in that "now" moment with his son, flows directly from who, where, and how he was, all those many years ago, when God found, appeared and revealed Himself to him personally.

Thank You God, for finding me exactly where, when and how You did. Thank You for the gift of Salvation and the experience of transformation and Sanctification that knowing You personally has brought about. Thank You for giving me, and each of us who know You, a story about when, where, and how we met You, and about what meeting You has meant to us. Please continue pouring Your Holy Spirit into and through me that my ongoing transformation and Sanctification may find me more and more like You, and who You desire me to be, with each and every passing day. And, as you do, give me both the repeated opportunity and the continuous outpouring of courage that empowers me to tell that story again, and again, and again, for as long as I live. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

#50Day GenesisChallenge


Sunday, February 16, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 47

"Then Joseph brought his father Jacob and presented him to Pharoah; and Jacob blessed Pharoah."

                         Genesis 47:7

"Brought" and "Blessed" these two words just seem to stand out to me today. Joseph brought... and Jacob blessed... and Pharoah received... That’s such an interesting scenario isn’t it? Here’s a guy who literally has everything, and he’s receiving a blessing from someone who comparatively speaking, has nothing. Jacob’s got stuff to be sure, but literally nothing compared to the stuff Pharoah has. But, what Jacob does have, he uses to give to someone who has it not. Jacob has faith, and the power to bless, so Jacob does what he can do... He faithfully blesses.

Jesus, use me today. Make me aware of everywhere You have brought me and of everyone You have brought me into contact with. Use me to be a blessing. Use me as a blesser. Use me to take all of who I am, and all that You have given me, and to willingly and wholeheartedly give it all away as a means of blessing those who don’t have... You. In Jesus Name, Amen



Saturday, February 15, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 46

"And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night... And He said, ‘I am God, the God of your Father; do not be afraid to go down to Egypt (Africa)... I will go down with you to Egypt (Africa), and I will also surely bring you up again...’" 

- Genesis 46:2a, 3a,b & 4a,b

It always just blows me away how God’s Word finds me every day, as I open it and as I read it! This morning I woke up before my alarm and I just had this sense of uneasiness. Without a doubt, I’ve got A LOT on my mind, and on my "to-do list" before our team departs for Africa tomorrow morning. I’m so excited about going, and about this widened door for effective ministry that has opened up (1 Corinthians 16:9), but the planning... and all of the details... and all of the costs... and all of the global fears and warnings about the Corona Virus... and so many more things that have gone along with this opportunity, have been in many, many, many, ways... overwhelming.

So, with approximately 24 hours until we leave for the Airport in KC, I woke up questioning, a little apprehensive, and in need of a personal affirmation from God. As I opened Genesis to read and write as I continue my "50 Day Genesis Challenge" I was instantly a recipient of... "the peace that passes all understanding" as I read the verses quoted above. Then, my cousin, Daneale White (also a pastor who lives in Manhattan, KS), sent me this text at 6:40am, as I was writing these words you are reading today:

"Check out 1st Corinthians 16:9, 13, 14 - Vs. 9 ‘...for a wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. - Vs. 13 Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. - Vs. 14 Let all that you do be done in love.’  - Bert (yeah she calls me Bert, it’s a long story...), these words were on my heart for you as I entered into this day, praying over you, Genna, your team, and all this trip holds for you all. God is doing great things! I love you! -Daneale"

Thank You, LORD, for the fact that Your Word is a "living" Word. Thank You that it is so much more than an ancient document! Thank You, that it not only finds me, but it also finds and speaks to others words that I need to hear, and... Thank You for the reality that Your Word never returns void (Isaiah 55:11)! Thank You, LORD for speaking to me today, precisely what I needed to hear! In Jesus Name, Amen. 



Friday, February 14, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 45

"And now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life."       Genesis 45:5

Joseph... Wow! This guy is unbelievable! What an amazing attitude, perspective, and faith-walk this man of God has. He sees into the hearts of his brothers, the very ones that have caused so much pain, suffering and complication in his life, he knows that they have been carrying guilt and shame their whole lives because of what they did to him, and he basically tells them "...it’s all good!" Then, he lets them know that he sees God’s hand in it all, that his circumstances, all of them, everything he has been through, ultimately served a greater purpose, that was crafted, guided, held, and brought about by the hand of God.

LORD, help me to wake up to the reality that everything that surrounds me, wherever I go, is a part of a much larger plan. Help me to embrace the reality that I have been given life, so that Your life can abundantly be poured through me. Use me wherever I am to be someone who touches time and eternity with all that I put my hands to. And, help me to know, and to live like I know, that in, with, and through You, it’s all good, all the time! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Thursday, February 13, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 44

"Then Judah approached him, and said, ‘Oh my lord, may your servant please speak a word in my lord’s ears, and do not be angry with your servant; for you are equal to Pharaoh." Genesis 44:18

I love this verse because it reminds me of how God can, will, and does, turn things around when we allow our trust to be a lifelong investment in Him. There was a time, when it was actually Judah (See Gen. 37:26) who sinfully set all of these circumstances, consequences, hardships and injustices in Joseph’s life in motion. Joseph went through what he went through because of his brother Judah. And yet, through it all, Joseph invested his trust in the LORD. In and through all of those years, Joseph didn’t choose bitterness, resentment, or as it all came full circle, to be... unforgiving. The focus of his life was putting trust in his God that he believed could and would right all wrongs. I believe this is the primary difference between people who become bitter through the course of their lives, and people who become better... Which one will I choose to be?

Help me LORD to choose the investment of trust. No matter what life is or isn’t, empower me to choose to invest trust in You, in and through all of it. Thank You LORD for all that I have trusted You through in the past, and thank You LORD for all that I know I can trust You through in the future. I choose to trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Wednesday, February 12, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 43

"And Joseph hurried out for he was deeply stirred over his brother, and he sought a place to weep; and he entered his chamber and wept there." Genesis 43:30

There are moments where we are stirred to our core, and the deep things of our souls find their way so quickly to the surface of our consciousness that we just can’t contain them. I’ve had experiences like this often since losing my mom back in December. A person I talk with about her, an item I find in her things that I now have, a picture capturing a moment from the past, a note she wrote, a letter she kept, a poem or an article, sometimes even just a scent... and then the emotions are there.

Last night I had a dream. Not a dream about my Mom, but about my Grandma. I called her "Nanna." I didn’t see her in my dream, but I came across something she had made, not that I ever saw her make anything like this, but in the dream I "knew" she had made it. It was wrapped in black plastic and was like a mannequin bust made out of sone kind of "banded craft materials" that I "knew" she herself had put together, assembled, and had put her heart into the making of it with her own hands. I "knew" it was hers and that she had made it as soon as I opened it because... (of all things) in my dream I could "smell" my Nanna. As soon as I realized what I was holding, in my dream I began to weep, and though I had found this "great treasure" I knew it was something I couldn’t keep. Then, in the dream, a black woman, an African woman, maybe... (I actually leave for Africa Sunday) came and knocked on my door. When she came into the room, she was so very happy to be given this thing, this treasure, this hand crafted thing that I had found. And, though I was weeping, I was so happy to give it to her because I knew she was going to use it, no... I knew she needed it. I awoke at that point, still weeping, still able to "smell" my Nanna...

So, what does all of this mean? I haven’t wept for my Nanna in a very, very, very long time, but the dream was so real... Then, I read Genesis 43 and this about Joseph and his brothers, about his weeping, and I remembered that all of it flowed ultimately from a dream, and from other dreams that God had given him...

Father God, thank You for whatever all of this means for me, personally. And, thank You for the moments we are stirred, the moments that we weep, the moments that just seem to find us and remind us that we really are human after all. Thank You also, LORD for the people we love, and who have loved us, and who have poured their very best into us for as long as they are, have been, or were, a part of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Tuesday, February 11, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 42

"Now Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, ‘Why are you staring at one another?’" Genesis 42:1

How Awesome is that line?!? Awesome in the sense that I totally get it. It’s the same way I talk to my sons at times. "Hey! Don’t just sit there watching TV! Your Mamma said she wanted that trash taken out! Get up and do what needs to be done!" This is just one of those lines that helps me connect with the Bible. It feels just like my life.

Thank You, Jesus, for not only how inspirational, transformational, and informational Scripture is... Thank You that it’s also just plain real. Please help me to communicate with others through my preaching and teaching about You, in the same exact way. Help me to keep it real. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!



Monday, February 10, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 41

"Now in the morning his spirit was troubled, so he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all its wise men. And Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was no one who could interpret them to Pharaoh."

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭41:8‬

This verse stands out to me today because of the reality it clarifies. Without God you cannot understand the things of God. No matter how important or how smart you or everyone else thinks you are, unless you have a personal relationship with God, you just can’t "get" the things of God.

Lord Jesus, help me to walk closely with you. So closely that when You speak, my relationship with You empowers me to see and understand what others cannot. And, as I understand, give me both the faith and the courage needed to take the action You would have me take. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Sunday, February 9, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 40

"Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him." Genesis 40:23

Isn’t this something all of us have experienced... being forgotten, disregarded or let down by someone we expected more of? And yet (Chapter 41 spoiler alert!), there is about to be a need for one of the distinctive Spiritual Gifting’s God has given to Joseph. Finally, two full years after 40:23, Joseph is about to be remembered. Which means, he was never really forgotten in the first place, and God’s timing is... perfect.

Father, strengthen me through the seasons, experiences and the discomforts of waiting. Help me to trust that in Your reality, I am never overlooked, forgotten or forsaken. Forgive me for my impatience, and help me to know that in the waiting, You are arranging and creating circumstances I could never have even come close to creating, let alone possess the ability to understand. In Jesus’ Name I trust, wait and hope. Amen.



Saturday, February 8, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 39

"And the LORD was with Joseph, so he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian." Genesis 39:2

I love this verse for so many reasons! Just think for a moment about what all it teaches about the LORD... I love the word "with" here in this verse. I love the reality that through the LORD being "with" Joseph, he becomes successful (prosperous). And, I love it that the truths of the LORD being with him and making him successful are not halted, hindered, hampered or prevented, by the reality of Joseph’s actual status as a bought and paid for... slave. Though Joesph is "nothing" in this world’s reality, in God’s reality, the LORD being "with" Joseph is the MOST important thing. And, if God is "with" him, then who can really be against him?

LORD, make me aware of You and Your "with-ness" today. Empower me to want to be "with" You, and to choose to know that You are "with" me. Help me to understand that no matter what happens, where I am, or what is going on around me, that Everything is going to work out for the good because You are "with" me... In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Friday, February 7, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 38

"And it came about at that time, that Judah departed from his brothers, and visited a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah." Genesis 38:1

Ugh! This is one of those chapters from Scripture that just puts a knot in my stomach. With every verse the "drama" just goes from bad to worse. And, it all starts with... "And it came about at that time, that Judah departed from his brothers..."

A lot can go wrong when we separate ourselves. Proverbs 18:1 says: "He who separates himself seeks his own desire, He quarrels against all sound wisdom." In other words, when we remove ourselves from friends, witnesses and accountability it’s usually for the wrong reasons, and the results are pretty predictable. Read the whole of Genesis 38 for a perfect illustration of this.

Father, help me to walk in faithful relationship with both You, and with Brothers who can keep me from seeking my own desire. Keep me in close accountability and friendship relationships that result in iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17). Surround me with people that will ultimately help me to fulfill the purpose You have for me and for my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Thursday, February 6, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 37.

"Meanwhile, the Midianites sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, Pharaoh’s officer, the captain of the bodyguard."  

                               Genesis 37:36

I think my favorite word in this verse as well as this entire chapter is "Meanwhile...". It’s a great reminder to me that even when things look as if everything is falling apart, for those who trust in the LORD, in reality, it’s all falling into place.

LORD, help me to trust, know, and believe, that You are the God of "Meanwhile...". That You are moving, leading, placing everything where it needs to be, in order to fulfill Your purpose and plan in and through my life, and in and through the lives of all who are around me. Thank You, LORD, for Your Sovereign Will, Your Perfect Will, and Your Permissive Will. Empower me to walk in the light of my understanding of each, and help me to trust You, even when from my perspective, none of it makes any sense at all. Remind me in and through each and every moment and experience of my life, of the reality of the "Meanwhile...". In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Wednesday, February 5, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 36

"Now these are the records of the generations of Esau (that is Edom)." Genesis 36:1

There is so much here, and in this chapter as a whole... so much, and it all flows from this first verse. The main thing that stands out to me from this verse and the verses that follow, is the understanding that who we are, what we do, and the lives we bring into this world, make a huge difference. And, each one of us, in our interactions with the lives of those who have descended from us, in reality, touch time and eternity, either for good or for evil. We all have the ability to make an eternal difference with our life and in the lives of all who come after us.

This phrase, "Now these are the generations of Esau..." is followed by name after name, of those who came to be leaders... chiefs... rulers... and kings. In other words, the generations that followed and that flowed from Esau were generations known for strong leadership. In fact, take a minute and read all of Genesis 36, I don’t think you’ll find a chapter in the Bible with more repetition of the word "chief" or "chiefs." Leaders came from Esau, and leaders came (as indicated in other chapters) from his brother Jacob, and these two brothers came from Isaac, who came from Abraham... All along this family line you find self-differentiated leaders who know and who have learned how to stand on their own, how to take action, and how to move forward, against the odds. Interesting...

LORD, thank you for the parts of my character, personality and identity that I both inherited and that I learned from my family. Thank you for their impact on my life and on who and what I am, and am becoming. Help me Lord, to walk in submission to You and Your Holy Spirit, that I might live and live out the strengths of Your Character, Your Personality and Your Identity as the predominating aspects of my own. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Tuesday, February 4, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 35.

"So Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him, ‘Put away the foreign gods which are among you, and purify yourselves, and change your garments;’". - Genesis 35:2

So... when was the last time you spoke to your family and those in your spheres of relational influence about your faith, letting them know where you stood, why, and then shared with them about what all Jesus has done in your life? Maybe it’s time.

Father, give me the Grace to recognize divinely appointed moments of personal faith proclamation. Empower me to walk faithfully through them. Let others see the Jesus I walk with, in authenticity and truth, and help them to want a saving relationship with Him as well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Monday, February 3, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 34.

"But they said, ‘Should he treat our sister as a harlot?’"

                             - Genesis 34:31

Wow, So... this is a tough chapter in which to find a comfortable, quick, simple, devotional application. It’s a complicated passage, that starts off with innocence in action, but is quickly seized by sexual brutality, twisted by paternal passivity, turned by clever deceit, then punctuated with betrayal, bloodshed and disturbing violence. And, though in many ways it is a difficult picture to look at, it is also an extremely accurate depiction of the sin-nature, and the darkened heart and perilous plight of humanity as a whole, apart from Jesus.  

If there is one line that comes close to being at all redemptive within this entire passage, for me, it would have to be the last line. It’s a line that I can personally grab ahold of and say, "Well, at least there’s that..." Not that it’s really "right," but it’s a line in which Dinah’s brothers, Jacob’s sons, describe and account for their actions as justifiable. And, quite honestly, from my own heart, I get it, I truly understand where they are coming from. I, myself, would want to take violent and decisive action against someone, anyone, who harmed my family or one of my children. It’s a part of my own personal wiring and mindset as a man. And, as I read this last line, I can follow the logic, and my heart agrees that evil prevails as long as good men do nothing. But this line also reminds me that so many of the actions of "justice" that are taken in this world, are in effect, retributionary in nature.

And, I have to ask, what if something more could have been done on the front end of this passage? Is there prevention which nullifies the need for retribution? Is there something proactive that could have changed everything? What if Dinah’s brothers (Jacob’s sons) could have been so chivalrous, so zealous for God, so concerned for their sister’s well being, and so intent on the protection of their family, that they purposed to never let their sister out of their sight in a "foreign" and a hostile land? Is it possible that all of this could have been prevented? As with all tragic "happenings" in our fallen world, there is always a linking of events, interactions, or split second decisions, that lead up to a tragedy or shocking occurrence. And, it is always afterwards, in hindsight, that we make the connections and think to ourselves... what if?

So, what do we do with this chapter, this passage, this line? I think, as with many things in God’s Word, it’s a statement of how things are, not of God’s approval, or of how God wants them to be. It’s a record of what happens in a fallen world in which humanity has, and individual humans have, been given the freedom to choose and to walk down whatever path and under whatever influence they desire. It’s a record of how the innocent are victimized, violent aggressors prevail, of how we live, do business, wage war and perpetuate a cycle of unending suffering and pain. This chapter is, in effect, a snapshot of the plight of all of humanity, from every corner of the globe. It’s not God’s Will, but it’s an accurate description of a fallen world and of humanity living far from Eden...

LORD Jesus, use me today to be an agent of preventative pro-action in the midst of a fallen and broken world. Place me, and help me to choose placement, where I can in my presence, intervene, and in my prayers, intercede. Today, LORD, use me, that fallen things in a fallen world might be prevented by my prayers and my presence. Use and empower me for good works, LORD, before evil takes action. Help me, this day, to walk in precise response to Your Spirit.

In Jesus Name, Amen.



Sunday, February 2, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 33

"Then he erected there an altar, and called it ‘El-Elohe-Israel.’"

                                 - Genesis 33:20

This verse is one of those that’s easy to miss, but, the reality is, this little verse is a HUGE statement of personal faith and identity. One of the irrefutable characteristics of human behavior is that people ALWAYS do what they truly believe. And, it’s the moments that no one is watching that really count.

Jacob is saying, in the action that he is taking, that he wholeheartedly believes in this God that has revealed Himself to him. And, that he will never forget or turn from following this God that has changed his life, his name, his identity, and Who has brought him miraculously safely thus far, all these many years. In other words, Jacob/Israel knows, there is no other God, and, no matter what the people or the world around him do or does, he has determined that he will turn nowhere else. As an exclamation point to this fact, he names the Altar, "God, THE God of Israel." In other words, Jacob has a new name (Israel), a new life (here in the land of promise), and his entire life has now been given to this One True God as a living sacrifice. This altar, which is now a permanent part of the landscape, is in Jacob’s new identity (Israel), a statement of faith regarding both who and Whose Jacob (Israel) now is... 

LORD, lead me I pray, to places of total surrender. Empower me to lay my life down more and more each day that I might be a living sacrifice, and more and more alive in You with each passing moment of every fleeting day of this life You have loaned me. Surround me LORD, with reminders of tangible moments, of places, and of times, that serve to remind me of my new identity in You, and of the professions of faith that I have made to You. Overwhelm me with the reality of your irrefutable faithfulness, and please, daily remind me of everywhere You have led, and will continue to lead me, as I walk in relationship with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Saturday, February 1, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 32

"Now as Jacob went on his way, the angels of God met him." Genesis 32:1

I love it that this verse starts with the word "Now" and that it is framed in the context of motion. God’s messengers, His ministering agents, show up as Jacob walks in obedience to God’s previous instruction. It is "on the road" where Jacob gets confirmation of God’s leading as he encounters Angels along the way.

This coming week I will find myself leading an evangelism training / hog hunting adventure in Oklahoma for a group of 12 men, made up of both currently serving Pastors and men of God who are contemplating a Call to ministry. Then, on the 16th I get the chance to take a ministry team of 9, to Liberia, West Africa, and do a Preaching & Worship Crusade, a Leadership Training Conference, a Food and Clothing Distribution and helping with a Christian School Construction Project. Though I’m not really sure what to expect with both of these ministry opportunities, I truly cannot wait to interact with all that God has already prepared to meet me in the "Now" as I walk a path that flows from my personal relationship with Jesus. Where will it lead, and what all is going to happen along the way? Of this, I have no concrete idea. But, what I do know, is that in relationship with Jesus, Ephesians 2:10 is Always True.

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10

Thank You, LORD, for opportunities to serve in new ways. Please, Bless my best efforts, as I submit them, and their results to You. Empower me, I ask, as I seek to walk in obedience to You, Your Word and Your Holy Spirit. Please, in each case, allow me, and those I will be in ministry with, to come back rejoicing and giving Glory to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

