Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Acts of the Apostles “FULL Contact” 28-Day Challenge

Acts 1 / Day 1

Acts 1:7-8 “He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own Authority; But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, end even to the remotest part of the earth.”

Oh Jesus, there is so much that is going on in our world today... So much. And, though Your Word tells us how it is all ultimately going to come out in the end, what we don’t know, it seems, from moment to moment, and day to day, is just what the heck is going to happen next.

Help me, Lord, not to be one who focuses on the instability of our times, and/or the perplexities of trying to discern what “epoch” is now upon us, but to instead reside in the full acknowledgement of Your Authority, Sovereignty, and consistent and stable Presence in the midst of it all. Help me to passionately desire, to continuously receive, and to daily walk in all of that which You promise in and through the outpouring and indwelling of Your Holy Spirit.  

Help me to be the witness you have created and “re-created” me to be, everywhere I am, everywhere I go, and everywhere you call me to follow You. Forgive me for the times I fail you and don’t engage with those in need around me, or when you make clear the next step and I choose an alternate path. Use me Jesus to the fullest extent that I can possibly be used. Truly, Lord, I want to be someone You can count on to go anywhere and everywhere You send me... even next door, across the street, or just some random place that you whisper to my heart while I’m driving by...

- Rob Schmutz

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