Thursday, November 9, 2017

“FULL Contact!” The Acts of The Apostles 28-Day Challenge, Day 29?

Acts 29...  as you come to the end of the book of Acts one of the things that becomes obvious is that it doesnt really come to a definitive “end...”  In other words, it’s ending itself is “open ended.”  So, what are the implications for us, for me, for the Church, for now?

As the Book of Acts “concludes,” Paul (formerly Saul, the least likely person you would ever expect to surrender his life to Jesus) has spent his life (from Acts 9 forward) traveling as much of the accessible Roman Empire as he could, preaching the Gospel, proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah, teaching the Word, planting, establishing and strengthening churches, raising up leaders, appointing elders and personally and relationally witnessing to innumerable scores of Jews and Gentiles alike, literally witnessing to anyone and any group he could get to listen.  As a man on a mission from God, he had seen it all, and had boldly and faithfully lived out God’s Word and the vision God gave him, placing his life on the line and cheating death more times than perhaps anyone (even Paul himself) could actually know.  And, at the conclusion of the Book, here he was, under House arrest, for two full years, awaiting an opportunity to appear before Caesar, not knowing what would come of it... and yet, he just tenaciously “kept on keepin’ on in Jesus,” regardless! 

I think the implication is clear, this is... us, or a picture of who, what and how we are supposed to be, both as individual believers and as the Church, the Body of Christ.  That we are “Acts 29,” and that We are to daily be about Our Father’s business, taking the Word and the message of the Gospel to all those who will listen, tenaciously refusing to give up, back down or sell out, purposefully endeavoring “ seek and to save that which was lost.” (See Luke 19:10).  But, are we?  I mean, are we really?!?  Listen, as I pointed out on the last night of the “FULL Contact!” Revival series, we have now come to the “two-minute warning,” it’s time NOW to “suck it up,” pour it all out, and leave it all on the field.

The “FULL Contact!” Community Revival at Medicine Lodge, Ks, October 8th - 11th was truly an amazing experience.  During those four days, as we looked closely at the Book of Acts, through the lense of Football, and some of the best coaches to ever touch the game, God moved among us in powerful ways.  And, as people responded they experienced an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit in real, personal and life changing ways.  It was awesome!  Those days of Revival were gifts from God and were great moments of feeling and experiencing God’s Power, Presence, Mercy and Grace.  I personally, will never forget them.

For the last 28 Days since the revival came to an end, many of you who were a part of it have been on a journey of daily re-encountering the Book of Acts by reading a Chapter a day, choosing a verse from the Chapter that spoke to you, writing it out and then writing a few sentences to God about why or how that particular verse spoke to you personally.  Then, you took a few minutes to Pray each day and asked God for the courage to take action that was reflective of the verse that stood out to you.

I wonder how all God has moved in your life since the “FULL Contact!” Revival, and through the “28-Day Challenge?”  The reality is that if you accepted the challenge and daily spent time in God’s Word, daily interacted with God and daily prayed for the courage to take action on what you read from God’s Word, you have just begun a habit (a Spiritual Discipline) that will change the course of your life from this point forward.  And, THAT is Awesome!  This is what God created us to have, live, and daily experience with Him, a personal, intimate, living relationship with Him.

My hope and Prayer from this day forward is that this “28-Day Challenge” will become a consistent part of your daily walk with Jesus and that you will continue on daily through the rest of the New Testament, the Gospels, and then on through the Old Testament as well.  One thing is for certain, you will never regret it if you do.

Remember, this Jesus thing that we call Christianity, is a “FULL Contact” sport.  It’s not something you watch, it’s something you are... Your goal is to daily live in the “Two-Minute Warning,” giving all that you know of yourself to all that you know of God.  Keeping it real, not religious.  Leaving it ALL on the field.  Putting your WHOLE heart into this game of life.  Remember, the “best” with Jesus is not behind you, it’s always still to come, so keep on keepin’ on in Jesus, no matter what, no matter where, no matter how.  So that, it may be known of your life and your walk with Jesus that you were one of “Those... who have turned the world upside down...” in Jesus Name! (Acts 17:6)

- Rob Schmutz

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