Monday, April 12, 2021

To all of my Friends, Brothers, Sisters, Colleagues and Co-laborers in ministry

To all of my Friends, Brothers, Sisters, Colleagues and Co-laborers in ministry: 

I love you all!  And, I hope and pray that what I’m writing here does not offend any of you who may read this. 

However, if you read this, as you read this, I want to both challenge you and caution you.  

I want to caution you today about pining, longing and hoping for a return to how things were in ministry pre-2020.  Do not rely on packaged programs designed to take you back there.  You cannot go back in time.  Those days were not really better, and they are not coming back.  Resist the temptation to embrace the pallor of the narrative of the “new normal” of pandemic affliction.  Instead, choose to both believe and be awakened in your heart, as a ministry leader, to the reality that better days of new ministry opportunities (better than you can even begin to imagine) are now before you.

Friends, We have been given a tremendous opportunity to overhaul our approach to Ministry and Mission.  Forget the status quo.  We are in the beginning stages of a New Great Awakening of Faith in our Nation.  And, in light of all that we went through in 2020, and in the face of whatever 2021 and the years that the rest of this decade may hold in store, we now have an opportunity to define for ourselves the reality of the Church’s New Normal.  Do not allow your New Normal of Mission and Ministry to be Canceled.  Refuse to be passive, cautious and tentative.  Instead, choose to be bold, persistent, and tenacious.  As Pastors, Ministry Leaders, Ministry Staff, Church Boards and Church Leaders we must be...






& Creative

We must personally fuel our faith by being...

In the WORD (Joshua 1:7-8)

In PRAYER (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

In FELLOWSHIP (Hebrews 10:25)

In The SPIRIT (Galatians 5:16) &

In MINISTRY (Matthew 28:18-20)

It’s so simple really, evangelism... all we have to do is offer what we’ve been given.  It’s good news, this Jesus stuff!  Jesus saves!  People need Jesus.  If we will relationally share Him, they will rationally want Him.  No, not all will, but many, many, many more than you can even begin to imagine.  This torn world is waiting to hear about what Jesus can do.  Will you share what He’s done for you?

I encourage you to begin conversationally and relationally experimenting with phrases like...

- “How’s life?”

- “Jesus loves you.”

- “You know, Jesus really can change everything.”

- “Would it be okay if I prayed for you?”

- “How can I pray for you?”

- “Have you ever prayed?”

- “Have you ever prayed and asked Jesus into your life?”

- “Would you like to pray and ask Jesus into your life now?”

If you will... if we will... if I will... simply intentionally share what we’ve been given... in and through whatever new challenges arise in our local mission context, our community, our County, our State, our Country and our World... we will find that the good news about Jesus (the gospel) “ the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...” (Romans 1:16).  But, we must be determined to maintain our focus on Jesus, and willing to walk in obedience to the Great Commission.  And, in the ministries we have been entrusted with by God, to relentlessly and uncompromisingly Pursue, Adapt, Improvise and Overcome! 

“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost.”    Luke 19:10

“...and upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”    Matthew 16:18

“And they overcame him (the enemy) by the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and because they did not love their life even when faced with death.”     Revelation 12:11

Keep on keepin’ on in Jesus, my friends, because the Best really IS yet to come!

Pastor Rob Schmutz

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