Monday, March 1, 2021

Men’s Ministry: Fire Teams, Bands of Brothers and Rules of Engagement for Combat Effective Men of God

Men, in order to live and fight effectively in this world in which we live, we must learn to stand with, and come alongside, other men.  

Below is a list of accountability questions for men who are interested in forming accountability “Fire Teams.”  Also included below is a plan of action for laying a foundation for building a men’s ministry (“Band of Brothers”) in your neighborhood, community, workplace or local church.  Also below, is a list of the “Rules of Engagement” for men who desire to be Spiritually “combat effective” in both their life and in the world today.

Everywhere I go I see an Awakening Occurring in the hearts of men!  Are you ready to be a part of it? 

Ephesians 5:14-18


 “Fire Team” Accountability Questions for Men

1)- Have you daily spent time in the Word and in Prayer (Daily Devotions)? 

2)- Have you spent quality and quantity (phone-less) time with, and given priority to, your wife and family?

3)- Have you worked hard and been a faithful employee and a consistent witness in the workplace?

4)- Have you taken care of your personal self by getting adequate sleep, eating right, exercising, and experiencing a sabbath this past week?

5)- Have all of your financial dealings been filled with integrity?

6)- Have you viewed, read or gone to websites or social media sites that contain sexually explicit material / pornography?

7)- Have you been with a woman in the past week in a way that could be viewed as questionable or compromising?

8)- Has your language and attitude been positive and a reflection of God's Glory?

9)- Have you just lied to me?


“Fire Team” Function & 4-Stage Plan of Action for building a “Band of Brothers” and an effective Men’s Ministry.

1) Weekly Fellowship (Meet up once a week with your fire team.)

2) Monthly Ministry Ops (Meet out monthly with your Fire Team and invite friends / Wings Night, Guys Movie Night, Etc.)

3) Quarterly Outreach Ops (Plan a Clayshoot, Local Fishing Trip, 3-D Archery shoot, Etc. for Fire Team and intentional invitations to friends.)

4) Annual Experience/Adventure Ops (This is a larger event and would be best to plan out of State / Hog Hunt, Hiking Trip, Fishing Trip, Etc.)


“Rules of Engagement” for Living out God’s Purpose and Plan for your Life as men.  

“Combat Effective” Men of God Need to Be:

- In The Word (Joshua 1:7-8)

- In Prayer (1Thessalonians 5:17)

- In Fellowship (Hebrews 10:25)

- In The Spirit (Galatians 5:16)

- In Ministry (Matthew 28:18-29)

Proverbs 27:17, Psalm 144:1, Ephesians 6:10-17

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