Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Canceled By Big Tech Part I


Canceled By Big Tech Part I

Well friends, I’m posting this video because “big tech” is apparently in the process of “canceling” me and my ministries.  And, if it can happen to me, it can happen to you.

I am the founder and CEO of two Non Profit 501c3 organizations.  One is called Watchman Evangelism Ministries (@WatchmanEvangelism) and the other one is called Ministry Outdoor Adventures (@MOAFoundation).  It is through these two ministries that I both fulfill my calling and provide for my family.

If you saw my post from 8/11/21 you know that my FB account has been placed in “warning” status due to my so called “violations of their community standards.”  I urge you to search my personal timeline and my ministry timelines to see exactly how I have “violated” their community standards.

TODAY (just a few moments ago) I received a text from one of my MOA Supporters saying that PayPal was not allowing him to contribute.  So… I checked it out.  He was right.  (See the pictures posted in this post.). Apparently, without warning, because my ministry “violates their community standards” they can shut me down at will.

This is particularly damaging to me and the work that I do because I am currently in the middle of fundraising for our MOA Fall Elk Adventures (we have 17 total participants going with 4 different outfitters.).  If you know anything about elk hunting, this is a considerable financial undertaking.  And, I haven’t been able to post my usual fundraising posts on FB due to their warning me about posts having to do with fire-arms and weapons.  And, now PayPal has shut me down…

(Please take the time to watch this video and look closely at the pictures I’ve posted with it.)

As Non-Profit, Faith-Based Organizations, both of my ministries rely on charitable contributions from persons, groups, congregations and organizations in order to function.  And, PayPal has (up until now) been a significant means for people to make donations in support of the work that I do and the ministries I provide.  Similarly, Facebook has been the platform which has (up until recently) allowed me to network and make connections that help me communicate with individuals, groups, congregations and communities.  I’ve even preached and taught internationally through FB.  But… that is, apparently, all about to change.  And, as stated above, it has already changed with PayPal.

My encouragement to you is… 

1. Join me in praying for America!  Every day at 3:16 central time I pray for a New Great Awakening to sweep our Nation.

2. Speak Up!  Exercise Free Speech!  Stand up for your Faith.  Stand up for yourself.  Speak the truth in love.  Make Noise.  Make calls.  Write letters.  (Not for me, for you!  For our Nation.  Because, as stated above, if this can happen to me, it can happen to you, to your church, to your faith based organization, to anyone.).  America, we need desperately to be Awakened not “woke.”

3. Run for office.  Any open office you hear of.  Become the “elected” voice of Faith, Stability and Sanity in a world that is so obviously and desperately upside down.  (Yes, I’m actually strongly considering it myself.)

If after reading this post, or after watching this video you would like to give in support of either Watchman Evangelism Ministries or Ministry Outdoor Adventures, you can still do so by sending a check.  Because these ministries are legitimate 501c3’s, your contributions are tax deductible.

Ministry Outdoor Adventures

c/o Pastor Rob Schmutz

PO Box 71

Haven, KS. 67543


Watchman Evangelism Ministries

c/o Pastor Rob Schmutz

PO Box 71

Haven, KS. 67543

Bless you!

Keep Your Eyes On Jesus!

Hebrews 12:2

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