Thursday, March 19, 2020

Where in the... Word?!?

I’ve been getting a lot of calls, emails and fb messages with questions about where to turn in Scripture at a time like this.

First, let me say that "ALL Scripture is inspired by God..." (2 Timothy 3:16), so literally opening up anywhere and just letting the Lord lead, and speak to you through His Word, every day, is a great idea. And, with the extended time off and away from work that many are experiencing, right now may be a great time to read the Bible from cover to cover. When I do that (this is the way I’ve been reading through Scripture every year for years thanks to a sweet little old lady named Arlene Reece in my church in Burdett, KS, who taught me this method back in the 90’s), I start with the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book of the Bible, Revelation, and read my way to the center, while also reading from Psalms and Proverbs as I do. You’ll be amazed at how the Word of God comes together for you as you apply this method.

As far as Scripture to turn to in days like these... I literally read Psalm 91 every day as a reminder of God’s Protection and guidance in my life. In the New Testament, the book of Philippians is where I go whenever I feel overwhelmed, challenged beyond my capacity to respond, down, insecure, or uncertain about the future. It is FILLED with encouraging words. It’s interesting because Paul writes what he does to the Church at Philippi while he himself is incarcerated and under house arrest in Rome. Some of the most encouraging words in all of Scripture come from a time in Paul’s life of extreme discomfort and unpleasantness. That’s what happens whenever we let the Holy Spirit lead and guide our thoughts, actions, and efforts.

So, there ya go! Get in the Word and... Keep on Keepin’ on in Jesus!

- Rob Schmutz


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