Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Praying in Faith Today...

"Listen! The Lord ’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call." Isaiah 59:1 NLT

Praying in faith today for a miraculous turning of events and circumstances all across our Nation and all around the World.  

Praying in faith today for healing for those who are sick.

Praying in faith today for their families.

Praying in faith today for families who have lost loved ones.

Praying in faith today for healthcare facilities, providers, and healthcare workers.

Praying in faith today for wisdom for all those who are working on the development of a vaccine and a medical and scientific way to confront and combat the threat we are currently facing.

Praying in faith today for miraculous experiences and testimonies of God’s Grace, Provision and Faithfulness in and through all that we are going through as a Nation and as human beings all around the World.

Praying in faith today for the Spirit of God to open hearts, touch lives, give comfort, come alongside those in distress, calm the fearful, bring peace to troubled minds, and to move in such a way that people everywhere, as many as will call upon His Name, have an experience of God’s Amazing Grace, miraculous provision, and of the peace that passes all comprehension.

Praying in faith today that literally millions will call on and come to know Jesus personally as their Savior through this time of instability and uncertainty all around the globe.

Join me today, won’t you, in praying for all of this and whatever else God lays on your heart?

Whatever the problem, situation or circumstance, Jesus... is always the answer!

Let’s Keep on Keepin’ on In Jesus!


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