Tuesday, March 17, 2020

50 Day Genesis Challenge, Day 50

"And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive."  

                          - Genesis 50:20

I’m surrounded this morning by so much more than I can even begin to describe, let alone be able to understand. I’m in Liberia, West Africa, and I see people all around me who are surviving and who have survived, experiences too numerous to count of all kinds of great evils. Wrongs have been done to them both as individuals and as an entire population on so many, many, levels, and on so many, many, different occasions, for so many, many, generations. Hopelessness seems to be a pervasive reality everywhere I look... Over the next few nights I and my team will be given an opportunity to speak for a few minutes, a Word of Hope into their lives. Hope... 

I am asking God to move mightily over these next few nights, and to grant that miracles, healings, and deliverances could touch the people we are seeing, and that a great work of God’s power could be experienced among them. I am asking Jesus to empower us to serve and to speak as carriers and communicators of the hope of the gospel, as expressions of His Love, and as conduits of His transformational power. Please pray for us as we attempt to do so.  

LORD Jesus, I have never been here before. Not here, seeing all of this that You are showing me... Grant, Lord, that Your Spirit will pour out mightily over this place, these people and me and my team, Your servants here in this place. Please help me and my team fulfill that which You have brought us here to do. Help us to be "Jesus with skin on" to everyone we get the chance to come in contact with. Bring about a fulfillment like you did for Joseph, something through which the people are able to say along with Joseph... "What others have intended for evil, God has used for good, in order to bring about the salvation of many...". In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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