Thursday, August 27, 2015

"What should we do?"

Since I keep getting phone calls and messages from concerned United Methodists asking what they should do...  Let me just put it this way, here is a bare minimum of what you could be doing.  It's all pretty logical, common-sense stuff.

1) Pray fervently for leading from the Lord and ask God to speak to you from the Word as you discern "next steps" regarding the Great Plains Conference passing of petition 7, and what may happen at General Conference in 2016.

2) Write your Pastor and let him/her know what your concerns and convictions are, where you stand, and what you will do if Petition 7, or one similar to it, passes and the stance as it is currently stated in the UM Book of Discipline Changes.

3) Write your District Superintendent and let him/her know what your concerns are, where you stand, and what you will do if Petition 7, or one similar to it, passes and the stance as it is currently stated in the UM Book of Discipline Changes.

4) Write your Bishop and let him/her know what your concerns are, where you stand, and what you will do if Petition 7, or one similar to it, passes and the stance as it is currently stated in the UM Book of Discipline Changes.

5) As a church body, Write your DS & Your Bishop and let him/her know what your concerns are, where you stand, and what you will do if Petition 7, or one similar to it, passes and the stance as it is currently stated in the UM Book of Discipline Changes.

6) Some have suggested that concerned UM churches will be able to amplify their voice if they withhold paying apportionments until after the vote at GC 2016.  It is very important that if Churches do this, they also covenant to not keep those apportioned dollars if the vote does not go through (if petition 7 or others like it fail).  Those dollars would need to be sent in and any held apportionements paid in full as a statement of integrity.

All things considered, truly, NOW is the time to act, to let your voice be heard, and to discern from God what next steps you should take.  Waiting to act until after General Conference 2016 is a bit like going into the storm shelter after the tornado passes. This situation is, I believe, in some ways very similar to our governmental legislative process, our congressmen & congresswomen (representatives and senators) need to know where their constituency stands BEFORE a vote is taken.

So...  The elected General and Jurisdictional Comference Delegates would also be good candidates for receiving letters from concerned persons.  You can get that list by calling the Conference Office.

Evil prevails when good people do nothing.

Keep on Keepin' On In Jesus!

- Rob Schmutz

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