Thursday, August 27, 2015

JUNE 13th, 2015


"Yesterday (6/13/15)... during the last session of The Great Plains Annual Conference, at Century II Convention Center, in Wichita, KS, I surrendered my credentials as a United Methodist Pastor.

I made this decision as a result of a vote that took place on Petition 7 (a pro homosexual agenda and pro homosexual marriage petition that was voted on and approved to be sent to General Conference on behalf of The Great Plains Annual Conference).  In effect, this petition speaks as the voice of The Great Plains Annual Conference, of which, we as The United Methodist Church at Park City are a part.  I felt, and stated publicly during my speech in opposition to Petition 7, that, if passed, I could not allow for the voice of The Great Plains Annual Conference to be my voice on this issue.  And, that I felt so strongly about this issue that if it was passed by The Great Plains Annual Conference, I came prepared to surrender my credentials as an Ordained United Methodist Pastor.

And, though I spoke passionately from Scripture (Romans 12:1-2) against this petition, and though I did all that I could to get it voted down, Petition 7 passed (by no small margin).  After seeing the results, on the screen, I calmly walked up on stage, placed my Certificates of Ordination as both Deacon and Elder on the Bishop's desk, shook his hand, said "Thank You", took a few steps, knelt down on one knee, prayed, got up, and began making my way toward the door.

On my way out, a handful of people gathered around me and tried to get me to change my mind.  I told them that I was always taught "A man is only as good as his word."   One of the ones who gathered around me, the Chair of NCD (New Church Development), informed me that though he did not want me to do this, if I did, he would need my keys (to the church).  So, I took them out of my pocket, and surrendered my keys.  They all then gathered around me, laid hands on me and prayed for me.  I thanked them, hugged many of them, and then walked away.

The Bishop's wife (she is truly an awesome woman of God) came up to me, put her hand in mine, put her arm around me, and literally pleaded with me to change my mind.  I thanked her, hugged her, and said the same thing to her I had said to the others, and then I left the building.

Please know that I have no hate toward homosexuals, and that my actions were not about hate.  I do believe however, that there are some things, and certain moments, where it is vitally important to be willing to sacrifice everything, to risk it all, and to take actions that clearly both state and define who you are, and where you stand.  Please also know, that I believe in the authority and in the primacy of Scripture, and that the Bible is God's Word and that it should be the final authority on all matters of life and practice.  I also agree with the United Methodist Book of Discipline which states that "The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching."  And, that I believe in the mission of the United Methodist Church, to "Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."  But... That I also know that all of that which "I believe in" is worthless without a willingness to take action.

If I have let any of you down, or disappointed you in any way, please accept my most sincere apologies.  There is so much more that I could say, but let me just bring it all to this, let the Lord lead you as to what you are to do and how you are to do it, and then be faithful in and to that leading.  I do not intend to manipulate or persuade any of you in any other direction.

Yesterday, for me, I found myself caught up in a Joshua 24:15 moment in time and space, and though what I did was truly one of the last things in the world I wanted to do, I believed it to be what I knew I had to do.  To all of my friends at C@PC, and to all of my brothers and sisters in ministry in the Great Plains Annual Conference, I love you all, so much more than I can say.

Keep on Keepin' on in Jesus

- Rob Schmutz
Jeremiah 29:11-13"

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