Thursday, August 27, 2015

Is it too late to get back to the future?

(This is the text of an article I was asked to write shortly after surrendering my credentials as a United Methodist Pastor this past June.  Those who had originally asked me to write it then chose not to publish it.  So, after "rediscovering it on my desktop" tonight, I decided to put it out here now.  This was written before I knew I would become a Nazarene pastor and is from a Methodist perspective.)

“Back to the Future”

There was a time, a time when most of our churches were not yet born, when young itinerant evangelists, after hearing the call, took to horseback with what little they possessed, and gave up everything in this world in order to follow Jesus.  Leaving the world behind them, they took personally the responsibility to share the gospel with anyone and everyone they encountered, and in so doing, they willingly risked their lives, day in and day out,  in order to be faithful to the unrelenting call of God.  Theirs was a calling to… “Preach the gospel and spread Scriptural Holiness over the land.”

These lives of reckless abandon to God resulted in no shortage of great stories of dramatic conversions, ultimate sacrifices, hard fought victories, and of the many and myriad triumphs of faith.  These were preachers of renown, known, like the first century followers of Jesus, as those who were turning the world upside down.  Phrases like “It’s so bad out tonight, there’s no one about except crows and Methodist preachers…” were coined as colloquial tributes to their tenacity.  An unbreakable tenacity that also resulted in extremely shortened average lifespans, calculated to be as low as 33 years by some estimates.

Where are those preachers today?  Where are the messengers who will vow with their lives to fiercely love God, and passionately live out that love though they are overwhelmingly surrounded by an increasingly pagan, and pre-Christian culture? (That’s right, I said “Pre-Christian”!)  Where are those itinerant evangelists who will commit their time to preaching the gospel to all whom they encounter in this brave new world of affluent apathy and technological idolatry?  Where are those pursuers of Jesus who no matter how much the world insists that culture overrides God’s Word, are willing to take up their crosses daily, deny themselves, and let their lives be devoted to the spreading of Scriptural holiness throughout the land?  Why does it seem that pastors today have lost not everything for the sake of the gospel, but instead, only their ability to throw caution to the wind, and consider everything to be loss (or dung), in order that they may simply gain Christ?

It was in an elective preaching class that I had at Asbury Theological Seminary with the late Dr. Ralph Lewis, author of the classic book “Inductive Preaching,” that I heard him make a statement that I have never forgotten.  He said, “The Patriarchs built their altars and pitched their tents as they followed God.  In the church today, we build our tents and pitch our altars as we follow the world.”  Reflecting on that statement, it seems as if it is possible that our goal in ministry has radically and tragically shifted from “leaving it all behind” in order to risk our lives for the “call” of God, to instead, trying desperately to “keep it all gathered up” in order to live out a “career,” strategically progressing up to the next guaranteed appointment, so that we may then live the rest of our comparatively long lives with a sufficient pension, that will continue to provide for us and our families until we can someday arrive safely at death.

It was the early circuit riders (though they literally had nothing, and truly risked everything) who were the ones that officially first put Methodism on the map.  And, it appears that it will be us, sitting in these “tents” that were built long before we got here, with wealth and assets literally at our fingertips, that will be those who will watch Methodism’s accelerated demise.  Unless…  Unless, that is, we turn right now.  Right now!  It is not now too late for the Holy Spirit to fall on us again, to move in us, and to move through us.  But, we have to be desperate.  We have to be desperate for God, for God’s will, God’s Word, and God’s plan.  We have to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and with a passionate, uncompromising love for Jesus. We must be filled with a love for Him that makes us willing to lay ourselves down, and be found by Him on the right side of Scripture, even as the world accuses us of being on the wrong side of history.  And, whether standing together or alone, if we will stand solely on the Word of God, as we rush headlong into the fray, God can and will use us to turn the tide.  Will we do it?  Will you?  Jesus said that the gates of Hell would not prevail against the Church, and I completely believe that.  But, the Church must be moved to attack the gates. 
That’s our job preachers, we must move the Church.  Everything rises and falls with leadership.  We cannot just sit here in these parishes that have become our world, as culture wins the day, the debate, the vote, again and again and again.  It’s time to rise up Church!  It’s time to boldly speak the truth in love, without apology, laying our lives, careers, and everything else on the line.  Are you willing to risk it all, or leave it all behind, in order to follow Jesus?  Are you ready for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, and all that He alone has in store for you?  Are you ready, willing, and able to get back to the Future God has for us as the Church?

"What should we do?"

Since I keep getting phone calls and messages from concerned United Methodists asking what they should do...  Let me just put it this way, here is a bare minimum of what you could be doing.  It's all pretty logical, common-sense stuff.

1) Pray fervently for leading from the Lord and ask God to speak to you from the Word as you discern "next steps" regarding the Great Plains Conference passing of petition 7, and what may happen at General Conference in 2016.

2) Write your Pastor and let him/her know what your concerns and convictions are, where you stand, and what you will do if Petition 7, or one similar to it, passes and the stance as it is currently stated in the UM Book of Discipline Changes.

3) Write your District Superintendent and let him/her know what your concerns are, where you stand, and what you will do if Petition 7, or one similar to it, passes and the stance as it is currently stated in the UM Book of Discipline Changes.

4) Write your Bishop and let him/her know what your concerns are, where you stand, and what you will do if Petition 7, or one similar to it, passes and the stance as it is currently stated in the UM Book of Discipline Changes.

5) As a church body, Write your DS & Your Bishop and let him/her know what your concerns are, where you stand, and what you will do if Petition 7, or one similar to it, passes and the stance as it is currently stated in the UM Book of Discipline Changes.

6) Some have suggested that concerned UM churches will be able to amplify their voice if they withhold paying apportionments until after the vote at GC 2016.  It is very important that if Churches do this, they also covenant to not keep those apportioned dollars if the vote does not go through (if petition 7 or others like it fail).  Those dollars would need to be sent in and any held apportionements paid in full as a statement of integrity.

All things considered, truly, NOW is the time to act, to let your voice be heard, and to discern from God what next steps you should take.  Waiting to act until after General Conference 2016 is a bit like going into the storm shelter after the tornado passes. This situation is, I believe, in some ways very similar to our governmental legislative process, our congressmen & congresswomen (representatives and senators) need to know where their constituency stands BEFORE a vote is taken.

So...  The elected General and Jurisdictional Comference Delegates would also be good candidates for receiving letters from concerned persons.  You can get that list by calling the Conference Office.

Evil prevails when good people do nothing.

Keep on Keepin' On In Jesus!

- Rob Schmutz

JUNE 16th, 2015

FROM FB, 6/16/15

"Thank you so much to so many, for all of your calls, emails, Fb messages, texts tweets, posts, and so many kind and encouraging words (and some very challenging ones as well).  I appreciate you ALL, so much more than I can say!

Please know, I am not writing these words to begin some theological debate via social media.  That's really so very pointless.  And, please know that I am neither a "Hater" nor a "Phob."  In fact, interestingly enough, it was a homosexual friend of mine that I knew back in college (we'll call him Dave) who shared the gospel with me after he had himself given his heart to Jesus and had chosen to walk away from the lifestyle he had known for most of his life.  It was his personal transformation that helped me first see, and believe in, the true transformational power of Jesus.

For me, I believe that we are all born with a "sin-nature" and a "bent" towards sin.  And, just as there are many different kinds of people in the world, so to there are many different kinds of sinful practices, or "bents" if you will.  That's why Jesus came...  To save us "from" our sins.  And when He came, He did so in love, though we ourselves expressed so much hatred to and toward Him.  When Jesus saves us, He sets us free "from" sin, not free "to" sin.  Similarly, I believe that the Bible teaches that we ALL need saving, because we are all "born that way" (into sin).  But that doesn't change God's Word, or His plan for forgiveness, salvation and deliverance.

What I did this past Saturday in surrendering my credentials as an Ordained Elder in The United Methodist Church, was not about hate, or even really about homosexuality.  It was however, about the Authority of God's Word, about the Primacy of Scripture, and about supporting and defending the existing position of our Book of Discipline and the official Mission of the United Methodist Church: "To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ, for the Transformation of the World".  My actions were simply a statement that I believe our denomination (like so many others) is losing (and in many ways already has lost) it's way.  I believe, as believers, as pursuers of Jesus, sometimes, God calls us to lay it ALL out there, and really BE who we say we are, or DO what we "say" we believe.  The Bible teaches that The Church... is the Bride of Christ, and I personally think she's a beautiful bride, and well worth standing up for, and defending, and even, if necessary, laying it all down for.

Please know I truly love Jesus.  He has set (and is still setting) me free from this body of death, and He is working in me and with me day by day to help me be less like me and more like Him.  And, even though my life was such a train wreck, I believe He found me, pulled me out of the rubble and wreckage, breathed love, life and His Spirit into me, and then sent me back into the wreckage of the lives of others so I could be used by Him to help pull them out as well.  That's what my friend Dave did for me when he came and told me about the Jesus that had set him free.  I remember thinking: "If Jesus can save someone like Dave, man, he sure oughta be able to help me..."  And, sure enough, about two weeks after Dave's visit, my own personal "crash-n-burn" took place.  I woke up on the first Sunday in April, of 1989, and found myself with three choices: "Suicide, Insanity or Jesus..."  So, I said "Jesus, if you can save me, then save me, and I'll give you my life and I'll never return to this man I've become."  And... He did.

If you are reading this and you are a member of the Community, or of The United Methodist Church at Park City, where I have poured myself out for the last 4 years, please know that I hope and pray that my actions have not hurt you or your family or caused you emotional or Spiritual harm.  I encourage you to please pray hard, and seek Jesus, and ask Him what exactly He would have you do.  I hope and pray you will visit C@PC again if you haven't been there for a while, and that you will be a support to Pastor Ben Walker as he follows the leading of Jesus' and leads and ministers to the flock there.  (I love him, support him, and believe in him 100%.  He is, and will be, a life-long friend of mine, and I have no doubt he will pour himself completely out in love and ministry to all who feel Jesus leading them to stay.)  I also hope and pray you will not have angry or ill feelings toward the United Methodist Church or The Great Plains Annual Conference, they didn't do anything "to" me, I chose what I chose, of my own free will.  So, if you are going to choose to be angry, please choose to be angry at me.  Just please try to keep your eyes on Jesus through all of this, and keep in mind, people will all, always, eventually, let you down, every one of them, but Jesus... He never will.


Keep on Keepin' on in Jesus!

Oh yeah...  Let me make something perfectly clear...  No, I'm not going to start a new church somewhere, and no, I'm not planning on trying to take anyone or any family from C@PC to "do my own thing."  I promised myself when I became a church planter that I'd never do that, and I won't.  Planting C@PC has truly been the pinnacle of my ministerial career, and I have literally poured everything I have (and am) into that work.  So, presently, I feel as if I am spent, sitting beside an abandoned well with nothing to draw with, and the bottom seems so deep...  Personally, I think I'm just gonna take a brake for a while, love on my family, and maybe get a cardboard sign and stand by the road...  I don't know, I literally have no idea what God has in store next.  Your prayers would be, and are, much appreciated.

"Have Bible (and lots of free-time) Will Travel." Get in touch with me if you need a fill-in preacher, speaker or an evangelist.

- (Not-A-Pastor) Rob Schmutz

July 15th, 2015

FROM FB, July 15th

"This has been an interesting Summer...

As of the Summer of 2015, I have literally spent half of my life (23 of my 46 years) serving as a Pastor in The United Methodist Church.  On Saturday, June 13th, 2015, during the last session of the Great Plains Annual Conference, I made one of the most difficult decisions of my life, and chose to surrender my credentials as an Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church.

So... for the last 30 days, I've been just a guy who loves Jesus, and have traveled and preached anywhere that'd have me.

Last night, July 14th, 2015, I became a Nazarene... and a licensed pastor in the Kansas District of The Church of The Nazarene.  As of today, it is now my full-time job to live out the calling of being a full-time itinerant evangelist.  In other words, I am ready, willing and able to travel anywhere that'll have me, in order to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and proclaim Scriptural Holiness throughout the land.

So... if you need a speaker, a preacher, pulpit supply, someone to give a gospel message at an event, outreach, or activity, or, if you'd like to schedule revival services, a community outreach event, or any type of evangelistic ministry, give me a shout or shoot me a text at 316-200-0156.

Here is my preaching schedule so far for this Summer & Fall:

- Franklin, Nebraska - 6/28/15
- Plainville, KS Plainville Church of The Nazarene - 7/5/15
- Wichita, KS - Thursday Noon, 7/9/15 - Heartland Connection Ministry Luncheon
- Arapahoe, Nebraska - 7/12/15
- Burdett, Kansas, Faith Fellowship Church - 7/19/15
- Summer Assembly, Forrest Park Conference Center, Topeka, KS, - 7/20 - 7/26
- Ulysses, Kansas - 8/2/15
- Abilene, Kansas - New Trail Church, Sunday AM - 8/9/15
- Protection Kansas - Youth Rally & Revival - 8/15-8/19

- Hutchinson, Kansas 9/13
- Gardner, Kansas - Gardner Church of The Nazarene, 9/16

- Potwin, Kansas 9/27

- Community Revival, Burdett, Kansas 10/3-10/6

With all of my heart I look forward to all that God has in store in this new direction in which I have been called.  And, with all of my heart I desire nothing more than to live a life of proclaiming the gospel and helping people find faith, hope, healing, deliverance, wholeness and the fullness of new life only possible in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Please keep me and my family in prayer as we step out in faith into this new calling and direction, and as we Keep on Keepin' On In Jesus, everywhere He leads."

JUNE 13th, 2015


"Yesterday (6/13/15)... during the last session of The Great Plains Annual Conference, at Century II Convention Center, in Wichita, KS, I surrendered my credentials as a United Methodist Pastor.

I made this decision as a result of a vote that took place on Petition 7 (a pro homosexual agenda and pro homosexual marriage petition that was voted on and approved to be sent to General Conference on behalf of The Great Plains Annual Conference).  In effect, this petition speaks as the voice of The Great Plains Annual Conference, of which, we as The United Methodist Church at Park City are a part.  I felt, and stated publicly during my speech in opposition to Petition 7, that, if passed, I could not allow for the voice of The Great Plains Annual Conference to be my voice on this issue.  And, that I felt so strongly about this issue that if it was passed by The Great Plains Annual Conference, I came prepared to surrender my credentials as an Ordained United Methodist Pastor.

And, though I spoke passionately from Scripture (Romans 12:1-2) against this petition, and though I did all that I could to get it voted down, Petition 7 passed (by no small margin).  After seeing the results, on the screen, I calmly walked up on stage, placed my Certificates of Ordination as both Deacon and Elder on the Bishop's desk, shook his hand, said "Thank You", took a few steps, knelt down on one knee, prayed, got up, and began making my way toward the door.

On my way out, a handful of people gathered around me and tried to get me to change my mind.  I told them that I was always taught "A man is only as good as his word."   One of the ones who gathered around me, the Chair of NCD (New Church Development), informed me that though he did not want me to do this, if I did, he would need my keys (to the church).  So, I took them out of my pocket, and surrendered my keys.  They all then gathered around me, laid hands on me and prayed for me.  I thanked them, hugged many of them, and then walked away.

The Bishop's wife (she is truly an awesome woman of God) came up to me, put her hand in mine, put her arm around me, and literally pleaded with me to change my mind.  I thanked her, hugged her, and said the same thing to her I had said to the others, and then I left the building.

Please know that I have no hate toward homosexuals, and that my actions were not about hate.  I do believe however, that there are some things, and certain moments, where it is vitally important to be willing to sacrifice everything, to risk it all, and to take actions that clearly both state and define who you are, and where you stand.  Please also know, that I believe in the authority and in the primacy of Scripture, and that the Bible is God's Word and that it should be the final authority on all matters of life and practice.  I also agree with the United Methodist Book of Discipline which states that "The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching."  And, that I believe in the mission of the United Methodist Church, to "Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."  But... That I also know that all of that which "I believe in" is worthless without a willingness to take action.

If I have let any of you down, or disappointed you in any way, please accept my most sincere apologies.  There is so much more that I could say, but let me just bring it all to this, let the Lord lead you as to what you are to do and how you are to do it, and then be faithful in and to that leading.  I do not intend to manipulate or persuade any of you in any other direction.

Yesterday, for me, I found myself caught up in a Joshua 24:15 moment in time and space, and though what I did was truly one of the last things in the world I wanted to do, I believed it to be what I knew I had to do.  To all of my friends at C@PC, and to all of my brothers and sisters in ministry in the Great Plains Annual Conference, I love you all, so much more than I can say.

Keep on Keepin' on in Jesus

- Rob Schmutz
Jeremiah 29:11-13"