Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Forward Progress?

Forward Progress?

2 John 1:9 "Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son."

There seem to be a whole lot of folks out there today running forward as fast as they can and calling themselves "progressives" as they do.  Progressive... man, that really is a great word isn't it?

But, when someone calls themselves progressive today, it seems naturally to imply that anyone who is in disagreement with whatever they themselves might be intent about progressing forward, then... well... that person must be a... regressive, or uninformed, or unenlightened...

Personally speaking, I'm all for progress.  I love moving things forward, especially if... ultimately it involves reaching new and more people with the good news of the transformational message of the gospel.  And, if the reality of the progress involves introducing people to the power of God's Spirit and helping them find freedom from Sin, Compulsion, Addiction and whatever other kinds of bondage our world so readily offers today, then I'm all for it!

The Scripture above is a reminder to all of us who are followers of Jesus, that it's okay to run ahead, to make and to push forward for progress, if...  If we continue forward with the Word and in the teachings of Christ.  If, however, we run forward, and in so doing... abandon the teachings... we do so... without God.  But, whoever (runs forward or progresses ahead and) "...continues in the teaching, has both the Father and the Son."

And, truly, that's the progress we need as the Church as we all keep on keepin' on in Jesus!

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