Tuesday, January 15, 2019

"Thank You!" from Watchman Evangelism Ministries

Thank you so much to everyone who invited me to come speak, preach, teach, lead, pray and do ministry, and to all of you who gave in support of Watchman Evangelism Ministries in and throughout 2018!  Bless you!  Your generous and faithful support helped make possible the most fruitful and fulfilling year of ministry I have ever experienced!  Thank You!

105 Kansas Counties Covered in Prayer
Completed 12/30/18
Through your encouragement, support and gifts, I was able to speak, preach, teach and do ministry in Seven different States.  Over the last 12 months I spoke at Churches, Retreats, Local Church Trainings, School Assemblies, Community Gatherings, Outreach Events, District Events, Clergy Training Sessions, Church Planter Training Events and, to the best of my ability, I literally also said "Yes" to every open door the Lord provided. 

Not only that, but I was also able to complete my mission of completely covering Kansas in Prayer by visiting every County Seat and every County Courthouse in Kansas and praying on the Courthouse Steps at each one.  And, as I did, God gave me a heart for Kansas, for all of the people who call Kansas home, and for the future God has for us all.  Now, more than ever before, I believe it is time for a New Great Awakening, and that it truly can spring forth from right here in the Heart of America.

Without a doubt, this past year was an awesome year, filled with opportunities, blessings and ministry experiences that are beyond my ability to explain.  But, each of you were there with me in every first time commitment to Christ, in every prayer of rededication, in every prayer of surrender to the Holy Spirit, and in every miraculous moment God provided.  Your prayers, encouragement, and financial support helped make a way for me to go where God called me to go, do what God called me to do and be who God called me to be!  Thank YOU!

If there is ever any way I can be in ministry to you, your family, your local church or your community, please do not hesitate to reach out.  And, if you will, please set a recurring event / reminder alarm on your smart-phone for 3:16pm every day and join me in prayer as we ask God to bring about a New Great Awakening and to allow us to be a part of it.

Thank you again!
Keep On Keepin’ On IN Jesus!


Pastor Rob Schmutz, President & CEO
Watchman Evangelism Ministries, Inc.
To donate to Watchman Evangelism, go to: www.PayPal.Me/WatchmanEvangelismWatchman Evangelism, Inc. is a Not For Profit Corporation Registered in the State of Kansas, and is also a Federally Tax Exempt 501c3 Organization.  Your donations are tax-deductible.






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