Friday, February 22, 2019

Getting off the ground as a New pastor in a New church!

When going to a new church...

My First Church, The Hickory Grove UMC in Trimble County,
Kentucky, 1992 - 1996

I’ve never forgotten what my first District Superintendent, Rev. Orrin Simmerman said to me as I interviewed with him about taking on my first ever Pastoral Appointment in the Frankfort District of the Kentucky Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.  He said, "Keep it simple.  Love the people, preach the Bible and visit the people in their homes.  Trust me, they’ll love you for it and you’ll learn more about ministry than any class’ll ever teach ya."  For the most part, I gotta say, I did exactly what he said, and I’m here to tell ya, he was right on!

So... when going to a new church as the "new kid in town..." Keep it Simple!

1) Love the people!  2) Preach the Word!  3) Be Jesus with Skin on!

And, to the best of your ability, Always... Under-Promise and Over-Deliver!

Here are a few more things to think about (that I have always purposed to do as well) as you are getting to know your people, your community and the actual real-time context of your new mission field.

- I always like to know a basic history of the church I'm going to.  Ask them to tell you their story.
- I also like getting a feel for where and how they really feel they are doing now as a church/congregation.
- Then it's also good to ask them what their vision or hope is for the future. (In most cases, churches and church people tend to gravitate towards a maintenance mentality over time, and though there have been glory days in the past, they have the capacity to lose touch with what God can do or desires to do through them in the future.  One of your roles as the new pastor will be to reacquaint them with the reality of faith potential and possibilities...)

Here are a few Goals that will help you earn relational credit and pastoral credibility

1. Visit ALL of your current attendees and members. For out of state or long distance members reach out by phone. (These are just quick visits to their homes for you to introduce yourself, and if possible your family, to each person you currently "have."  This Should be doable in 30-60 days)
2. During this time, and once you have settled in to the parsonage, have and host an "open house" at the parsonage or your home and invite the church to come for a "Watermelon Feed" a "Sundae Bar" or a "Chilli Feed" This is a great interpersonal "PR" event and is an awesome way to develop some key initial relationships.
3. Also, within your first 30-60 days you will want to hit all of the businesses in town including other churches, in order to meet the workers owners and leaders. As you do this you will be finding out "who is who" in your community, what all is going on, and where the people are and when.
4. When you have completed the task of visiting personally all of your church people/families, let your people know in a casual comment from the pulpit, and then let them know that if they know of anyone you have missed that you’d be glad to visit them as well. (They will already know and will have been talking about it!) Then start visiting the people in your community, starting with the neighborhood around your church and with the goal of covering your whole town. Again, these are just quick door to door visits letting people know who you are, inviting them to church and letting them know you would really love the opportunity to be their pastor. You will want to give them a Church magnet, mug or a printed info invitation either to your Church or to some upcoming event you are hosting. How long this takes will be up to you, but there really is something about being able to say to your church that you have knocked on every door in town.
5. While you have been doing all of this, try walking as much as you can as you do it. You may not realize it, but people will notice you out there walking the streets.  And, while you are walking you can also be covering your community completely in prayer. Again, there’s just something about being able to say that you have walked every street in town and prayed over every house.
6. Also, while you are doing the visiting of members, church folks, businesses and then the community, or as you are going on prayer walks, begin to invite others to go with you as you do. Invite them to walk with you as you go and introduce them to the idea of community visitation and prayer walking.
7. Send notes to those you visit and thank them for their time.


Also, as a new Pastor, do your best to preach well!  Be Biblical, relevant, engaging and timely!

Preaching and Sermon Resources:
Check out and  There are tons of Sermon resources out there but these are two that I’ve had a lot of success with and use even now.  Remember, don’t try to preach somebody else’s sermon, but do try to be a preacher people are going to want to come hear and who people are not going to want to miss!


Start a small group, a home group, a cell group a life group or whatever you want to call it.  Just get people together in your home and begin to develop relationships with them like Jesus did with the Twelve.  Here are some resource ideas that will be helpful.

Small Group Resources:
Anything and Everything by Francis Chan (Letters To The Church, Crazy Love, Forgotten God, etc.).
I would also recommend, highly recommend, utilizing right now media (, it's like Netflix for small group resources and material. Awesome website.  It allows you to have or lead a small group from anywhere.


These are just a few ideas to help you get things started as you seek to fulfill the vision God has given you for this new place He has called you.  If you will use these ideas you will begin to build relational credit and you will be making relational deposits into the lives and hearts of the people God has called you to lead, which, is essential if you plan on actually leading them anywhere at all. Remember, a leader who has no followers is just someone on a walk...

If I can help you in any way, don’t hesitate to reach out!  One of my very favorite things is coming alongside and helping pastors succeed in reaching people for Jesus!

Keep On Keepin' On In Jesus!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Watchman Evangelism Ministries Preaching and Ministry Schedule (Jan - May 2019):

Watchman Evangelism Ministries Preaching and Ministry Schedule 

(Jan - May 2019):

If you see OPEN dates and would like to contact me about a Speaking or Evangelism Event in your Church or Community, I would love to talk with you!

I also offer Coaching, Training and Equipping Opportunities for Pastors, Churches and Community Ministry Action Teams. Coaching, Training and Equipping opportunities are designed to empower you and your team to more effectively engage and reach your community for Jesus.   

To connect with me you can call, FB message, or e-mail me for more info: (316)200-0156


And, if you’d like to become a Watchman Evangelism Ministries One-Time, Monthly or Annual supporter, feel free to click the "donate" link above, or go to: PayPal.Me/WatchmanEvangelism

Thank you!


January 2019

1/12/19 - Speaking - Memorial Gathering at 101 Club


Preaching - Chapman, KS, Chapman Naz Church.


Coaching Lunch Meeting

1/19/19 - Attending - "Momentum Conference" - Pratt, Abundant Harvest Church 

1/20-23/19 - Revival - Severy Church of The Nazarene "What’d You Say Your Name Was!?!"


- Speaking - Memorial Wichita, KS


- Doubt Night with "Spark United" at Metro Coffee in Hutchinson 7:30pm


Preaching - Pleasant Hill Church of The Nazarene, Sylvia Ks.


Watchman Evangelism Ministries - Annual Board Meeting. Perkins Restaurant, 3pm McPherson, KS.

1/30/19 - Attending - Coaching Training Event 

February 2019

2/3/19 - Preaching - Mentor & Gypsum UMC’s / "What’d You Say Your Name Was?!?" Revelation 2:17 (9:20 & 11:00)

2/10-2/12/19 - Leading - Ministry Outdoor Adventures - Pastor/Sponsor (Father/Son) Hog Hunt - No Mercy Outfitters

2/17 - Preaching - Udall Church of the Nazarene 

2/24 - Preaching- Udall Church of the Nazarene 

March 2019

3/3/19 - Open Date

3/10/19 - Open Date

3/17/19 - Open Date

3/20/19 - Chapman Kansas Health Fair (Noon To 6:30) "Identity" Ministry Booth

3/24-3/26 - Revival - "What’d You Say Your Name Was?!?" Grace Church of The Nazarene, Wichita, KS.

3/30/19 - Speaking at "The Big Saturday" Men’s Conference, Pratt, KS


3/31/19 - Preaching - Reliance Community Church, Wichita, KS 10:30am 

April 2019

4/4/19 - Speaking - "Sons of Thunder" Gathering, Ulysses UMC, Ulysses, KS. 6:30 Meal / 7:30 Message

4/7-4/10 - Revival - Elkhart Church of the Nazarene. "What’d You Say Your Name Was?!?"

4/14/19 - Open Date (Palm Sunday)

4/21/19 - Open Date (Easter Sunday)

4/26, 27 & 28 - Cimarron Naz - Preaching/Teaching at "RESONATE"

May 2019

5/5-5/8 - REVIVAL - Lakin Wesleyan Church - "What’d You Say Your Name Was?!?"

5/12/19 - Open Date (Mother’s Day)

5/19/19 - Open Date 

5/26/19 - Open Date

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

"Thank You!" from Watchman Evangelism Ministries

Thank you so much to everyone who invited me to come speak, preach, teach, lead, pray and do ministry, and to all of you who gave in support of Watchman Evangelism Ministries in and throughout 2018!  Bless you!  Your generous and faithful support helped make possible the most fruitful and fulfilling year of ministry I have ever experienced!  Thank You!

105 Kansas Counties Covered in Prayer
Completed 12/30/18
Through your encouragement, support and gifts, I was able to speak, preach, teach and do ministry in Seven different States.  Over the last 12 months I spoke at Churches, Retreats, Local Church Trainings, School Assemblies, Community Gatherings, Outreach Events, District Events, Clergy Training Sessions, Church Planter Training Events and, to the best of my ability, I literally also said "Yes" to every open door the Lord provided. 

Not only that, but I was also able to complete my mission of completely covering Kansas in Prayer by visiting every County Seat and every County Courthouse in Kansas and praying on the Courthouse Steps at each one.  And, as I did, God gave me a heart for Kansas, for all of the people who call Kansas home, and for the future God has for us all.  Now, more than ever before, I believe it is time for a New Great Awakening, and that it truly can spring forth from right here in the Heart of America.

Without a doubt, this past year was an awesome year, filled with opportunities, blessings and ministry experiences that are beyond my ability to explain.  But, each of you were there with me in every first time commitment to Christ, in every prayer of rededication, in every prayer of surrender to the Holy Spirit, and in every miraculous moment God provided.  Your prayers, encouragement, and financial support helped make a way for me to go where God called me to go, do what God called me to do and be who God called me to be!  Thank YOU!

If there is ever any way I can be in ministry to you, your family, your local church or your community, please do not hesitate to reach out.  And, if you will, please set a recurring event / reminder alarm on your smart-phone for 3:16pm every day and join me in prayer as we ask God to bring about a New Great Awakening and to allow us to be a part of it.

Thank you again!
Keep On Keepin’ On IN Jesus!


Pastor Rob Schmutz, President & CEO
Watchman Evangelism Ministries, Inc.
To donate to Watchman Evangelism, go to: www.PayPal.Me/WatchmanEvangelismWatchman Evangelism, Inc. is a Not For Profit Corporation Registered in the State of Kansas, and is also a Federally Tax Exempt 501c3 Organization.  Your donations are tax-deductible.