Friday, October 16, 2020

Quick Fixes For Prayer Distractions!

I just had an early AM text exchange with an accountability Brother about how to deal with distracting thoughts during prayer. 

 Here were some of our conclusions. (Feel free to comment below to add to our effort!) Here’s what we came up with! 

 1) In the background or softly through a headset play worship music or a favorite Christian Band. 

2) Pray as you read Scripture. Psalm 91 for instance. Pause between verses and pray. 

3) Make a "prayer list" (like a "to do" or a "task list") then pray through the list.

 4) Use a format like "ACTS" Adoration (Praising the Lord for ALL He Has Blessed me with!) Confession (Admitting sin and struggles.) Thanksgiving (Thanking Him for everything I can think of.) Supplication (Praying for others and their needs as well as my own.) 

5) Write a "Dear Jesus" Prayer letter in a notebook, or on a piece of any paper quickly available.

 6) Pray like a child... Simple, Straight Forward, Direct.

 7) Or, what I do when all else fails... I Just pray the Lord’s Prayer.

 Remember... Jesus said in Matthew 6:6 to "...go into an inner room...". And, there is definitely something to be said about removing distractions as much as possible! 

 But, the main thing is to Pray!

 Prayer is the Work! 

 Keep on Keepin' on In Jesus!