Friday, October 5, 2018

FALL 2018 - UPDATED Watchman Evangelism Ministries Preaching and Ministry Schedule

If you see OPEN dates and would like to contact me about an Evangelism Event in your Church or Community, A Speaking Engagement, or even a Pulpit Supply opportunity, I would love to talk with you.

I also offer Coaching, Training and Partnering Opportunities for Pastors, Churches and Community Action Teams. Coaching, Trainings and Partnering opportunities are designed to equip ministry partners to more effectively engage and reach their communities for Jesus. To connect with me you can call, FB message, or e-mail me for more info: 



And, if you’d like to become a Watchman Evangelism Ministries One-Time, Monthly or Annual supporter, feel free to click the link below: 


Thank you!


Preaching & Ministry Schedule


September 2018

9/1-9/5 - MOA Archery Elk Hunt, Duckett Park Outfitters, Cimmaron CO.

9/9-9/11/18 - Revival - "Back To The Future" - Cheney UMC

9/16/18 - "iWalk" All-Day Training - Udall Church of The Nazarene

9/20-9/23/18 - Attending Minister & Mates Retreat Westcliffe, Colorado.

9/28/18-9/30/18 - REVIVAL - Abundant Harvest Church of the Nazarene - "Full Contact!"

October 2018

10/5-10/7 "Cowboy University" (Church Planting Training) at Three Wooden Crosses Church in Augusta, Ks.

10/6/18 - Wedding - Eureka, Ks, Eureka Lake (4pm)

10/13/18 - MOA Fall ClayShoot 

10/14/18 - 6pm - Speaking at Brookdale Living Center (2416 Brentwood) with Genna

10/15/18 - speaking at "Man Down Ministries" - "One in 99" event at Water’s Edge Community Church in Haysville, KS

10/18-10/20/18 - Teaching at the Southwest Indiana DCPI/CPC

10/21/18 - Burns / Cassoday, KS "iWalk" Training (All Day)

10/28/18 - Minneola UMC - "121 Evangelism Training" 

November 2018

11/4/18 - Preaching - Codell Community Church 10:30am

11/11/18 - Newton 1st Church Naz "Reaching Jerusalem"

11/13-11/21/18 - Ministry Outdoor Adventures 4th Annual (Firearms/Antlerless) Elk Hunt.

11/18/18 - MOA - Elk Hunt, Colorado 

11/25/18 - (Tentatively Reserved TBD) 

December 2018

12/2 - MOA - Pastor’s Deer Hunt 

12/9/18 - MOA - Pastor’s Deer Hunt 

12/16/18 - (Tentatively Reserved TBD)

12/23/18 - Reserved Family

12/30/18 - Preaching - Codell Community Church 10:30am


And, 2019 So Far...

1/20-1/23 - Preaching Revival at Severy Church of The Nazarene "What’d You Say Your Name Was!?!"


Teaching DCPI Dodge City (Dates TBD)

MOA Pastor/Sponsor Hog Hunt - "No Mercy Outfitters" (2/10-2/12/19)


3/3/19 - Tentatively Booked

3/24-3/26 "What’d You Say Your Name Was?!?" Grace Church of The Nazarene in Wichita, KS

3/31/19 - PREACHING- Reliance Community Church, Wichita, KS 10:30am 


4/7-4/10 - Revival Elkhart Church of the Nazarene. "What’d You Say Your Name Was?!?"

4/26,27 & 28 - Cimmaron Naz - April 26, 27 (morning and evening) and ‪Sunday morning‬ the 28th. This Event is called "RESONATE"


Wichita / Chrysalis Event - 7/10-7/13

Sharon Springs Event - 7/26-7/28/19


Revival at Milford Congregational Church, Milford, KS, Specific dates TBD.

And... 2020 So far...

7/16/20 - 7/26/2020 - PREACHING - Imperial Valley Holiness Association (Nebraska) Camp (IVHA)

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Raising Support For Church Planting and Revitalization!

It is no secret that Church Plants and Church Revitalization Projects Need Multiple Streams of Income!

Here are a few Biblical Examples of varying income streams...

WORK - Jesus was a... (Carpenter / Stone-Mason) Disciples / Apostles were... Mark 1:16, John 21:32, Acts 18:1-4, 19:1, 10, 20:34-35, 1 Thessalonians 2:9, 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12, 

WOMEN - Luke 8:3, Matthew 26:7-13, 27:55


OTHER CHURCHES - 1 Corinthians 9:3-14, Galatians 6:6, Philippians 4:15-18, Romans 15:24, 30-32

BROTHERS & SISTERS in Christ - 2 Corinthians 11:8-9, Acts 4:32-35

THE EVIL DEAD - Acts 5:1-10 :-)

WEALTHY BENEFACTORS- Matthew 2:1-12, Matthew 27:57, Mark 15:43, Luke 23:50-56, John 19:38-40, Acts 4:36

And... SUPPORT LETTERS (Paul was well known for being a walking support letter in following the instructions of James and raising and delivering support for the poor in Jerusalem (Galatians 2:9-10).

Here are my suggestions for how to write and have a successful Support Letter Campaign.

1. Recognize the Need! (Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt!) Phil 4:19. Your vision needs Funding!

2. "...Making a List and checking it twice! Gonna find out who’s..." (Create a Donor List 200/300 minimum)

3. "I’m gonna Sit right down and write myself a letter!" (Write your Support Letter!)

4. Call Your List (People are more likely to give if they have a connection with you!)

5. Proof, Revise, Edit, Print, Mail -

- 1 page letter, photo & caption highlight page on back (bond / resume paper)

- Make sure you include a "Return-By" Date (2 weeks to 30 days).

- Include Self addressed stamped return envelope / hand written addresses (find a sponsor to cover postage!) -  "Prayer" Mail (Pray over EVERY LETTER!)

6. Follow Up - Send a "Thank You" with a Donation Receipt for EVERY returned card.

7. Call those you don’t hear back from... (Define yourself / Stay Connected)

8. Send Christmas Cards to All Donors and to your existing letter list.

9. Send out Year end giving statements to ALL donors and INCLUDE A Self Addressed Stamped Envelope and Giving Card for the New Year! (Before the end of January!)

10. Keep expanding and adding to your list! (Info/Support Letter / Sign up sheet everywhere you go.)

11. FALL Oct/Nov and SPRING March/April are Best times to send.

12. Then... Wash, Rinse, Repeat!  Every year!

Good Luck and God Bless!

Pastor Rob Schmutz (Watchman Evangelism Ministries)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Watchman Evangelism Ministries Support Letter 2018

To all of my Many Ministry Friends and Supporters:

I hope and pray this letter finds you blessed and having a truly awesome Summer!  Thank You so much for ALL of your previous prayers and encouragement as I have followed Jesus down this path of full-time Evangelism over these last three years!  God has opened more doors for ministry than I can even begin to explain!  My speaking schedule is completely booked for 2018, dates are filling up fast for 2019, and I even have dates scheduled as far in advance as 2020.  Praise the Lord!!!

In this ministry of Evangelism that God has called me to, I am literally in a new church or community preaching and teaching about Jesus every week. I speak and preach anywhere God provides an open door and offer trainings for pastors, churches, community action teams, organizations and ministerial alliances, all written and developed by me personally, and customized for every context in which I present them.  Every training I offer is designed to empower believers to personally embrace the Great Commission and to discover and implement new ways to more effectively reach their communities in Jesus Name.  As another facet of my ministry, I also serve as a ministry coach and come alongside pastors, church planters, and congregations to encourage and equip them to take action based on the discerned/assessed needs of their local mission field. In some cases I have signed 18-month contracts with churches and/or pastors to provide the coaching services I offer, but in most cases I’m willing and available to help without compensation simply because the need is so great.

As an independent evangelist, though I am an ordained Elder in the Church of the Nazarene, I’m not paid or salaried by any denominational organization. Instead, I support my family through "love offerings" and faith, making my own way as I go through the open doors of ministry God provides. If you would consider partnering with me in ministry, your prayers and financial support would be greatly appreciated! 

Would you be willing to consider further partnering with Watchman Evangelism by becoming a one-time annual, or even a monthly supporter of my ministry?  Without question, it is support from people likeyou that has empowered me to be able to do ministry all over the State of Kansas and all across the Great Plains. Thank YOU!!! 

If you would like to become a Watchman Evangelism Ministry Supporter, Please feel to send your gift to: 

Watchman Evangelism Ministries, c/o Pastor Rob Schmutz, PO Box 71, Haven, KS. 67543

Or, If you would prefer to give online, please feel free to do so via PayPal at: www.PayPal.Me/WatchmanEvangelism.

If you have any questions at all about this letter, my ministry, or if there is any way I can be there for you, your family or your church, please do not hesitate to reach out!

- Keep On Keepin’ On IN Jesus! 

- Pastor Rob Schmutz, President & CEO Watchman Evangelism Ministries, Inc.

(Watchman Evangelism, Inc. is a Not For Profit Corporation Registered in the State of Kansas, and a Federally Tax Exempt 501c3 Organization. Your donations are tax-deductible.)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

"Go Yankees!"

It's funny isn't it, how certain experiences (sights, sounds, smells, etc.) have the ability to just grab ahold of you and take you back in time?  For me, I don't think there is really anything that does it more vividly than the combination of Summer, the month of June and Little League Baseball.

Every Summer, for the last three years now, I have made it a point to adjust my speaking, teaching, ministry and travel schedule for the month of June so I can be a part of coaching my boys, Zeph (age 10), and Ezra (age 6), in Baseball.  Having grown up without a dad, for me, "being" a dad through activities like coaching is without a doubt, both an opportunity and an experience that I treasure more than I can even begin to express. 

Maybe it's the intertwining of so many different sensory experiences that make Baseball, June and Summer the "triggers" of memory that they are for me.  The smell of a ball-glove, the feel of baseball stitching on your fingertips, the weight of a bat in your hands, the aroma of a freshly mowed outfield, the "crunch" of the infield under your shoes, the thickness of the air (Kansas humidity) at a Saturday morning practice, the "pop" of a ball meeting a glove, the "ting" of a bat hitting a ball, the shouts of base coaches, the cheers of a crowd, and the strong clear sound of an umpire's voice "making the call..."  So many, many, ingredients, and at any given moment in the mixture of it all, I myself am one of the kids, back in my hometown, playing ball again, thinking the thoughts a boy thinks when Baseball is the most important thing in his world.

It was at a game this past week that I had a moment just like that.  I had spent the game pitching for my son Ezra's "coach-pitch" team, made up of 6 and 7 year old boys mostly, playing in what's called a "Midget League."  I had been wearing my old Yankees cap and it was after the game, after we had all gone through the "good game" / "high five" line, as we were on the "return trip" of each team returning to its respective dugout, when a kid on the other team tipped his hat (a Yankees cap a lot like mine) and smiled as he walked by and said "Go Yankees!"  And then he was gone, back to his dugout and his team, and there I was, for whatever reason, transported back to the Summer of 1977, when I was a brokenhearted, 8 year old little boy, grieving and yet not knowing how to grieve.  I was halfway through one of the most difficult years of my childhood.  It was the Summer I turned 9.  Like every kid I knew that Summer, I was playing Little League Baseball.  It was in the Summer of 1977 that I became a life-long Yankees fan.  And, as it just so happened, 1977 turned out to be a GREAT year to be a Yankee!

Why exactly I became a Yankees fan that Summer, I'm not completely sure, but I remember that they had done well in 1976 and that my Grandpa and my Uncles all HATED the Yankees.  They were all Kansas City Royals men, and they thought the Yankees were... well, they had a lot of words to say about the Yankees that I won't try to put in print.  But, let's just say they all thought the Yankees were "...the most worthless team in Major League Baseball!"  And, now that I think of it, that may just be the reason, or at least part of the reason, I decided to become a Yankees fan that Summer.

It had been in December of 1976, that my grandma, or "Nanna" as I called her, died of cancer.  It's amazing to me how real that pain and those memories still are to me, even now.  (Wow, tears as I write this, really?!?)  She was without a doubt "the hub" of our whole family, and hers was a face I had seen practically every day of my life since I was born.  Until...  Losing her was devastating to everyone in my family, and for me in particular it was... well, I just cant seem to find the words to explain.  Let it suffice to say that it was, as I remember, really, really, really hard, and our family and our lives all changed so very much after her death.  And, though I was "just a kid," my world was without a doubt, completely turned upside down.

As the Summer of 77 rolled around, my Grandpa headed off to Arkansas.  I know now that his "getting away" was just part of his own grief journey, and that he was trying to sort things out for himself.  But, as a kid, I just couldn't understand it.  Abilene, Kansas, though, was the best town on the planet for an 8 year old American boy to live in, and I had a bike I could ride to baseball practices, to games, to the city pool, and to the "Ben Franklin" store to buy packs of Baseball Cards (back when they still had a stick of Bubble Gum in 'em!).  And, I had teammates I could hang out with, and the baseball fields were just down the street from the pool, and it seemed like there was always somebody you could find to play ball with during those long summer days.

1977 was the year I got my first Catchers Mitt, it was a MacGregor (genuine Autograph Model), with a Thurman Munson signature on the outside edge of the inside pocket.  My Yankees heroes that Summer were Thurman Munson (C), Catfish Hunter (P), and a new guy on the team (who would come to be known as "Mr. October"), a slugger Right Fielder named Reggie Jackson.  And, without a doubt, my favorite Yankee of the lot was Fire-Ball Manager, Billy Martin.  Though I had no idea what it meant at the time, there was something cathartic for me about watching him blow his stack and come unglued on whatever Umpire made whatever call he happened to disagree with at whatever point in time of the game that he chose.  Watching him explode, I knew I had that kind of rage in me too, and I wished I could let it out like he did.

Back to now... one of the things I love most about coaching my boys is also getting to know the other boys on their teams and seeing them just be "who" they are and "how" they are.  Knowing what I was going through at their age, I wonder sometimes what things they might be going through as well.  I pray for the kids on the team, for their families, for whatever they may be dealing with at home, and before every game we take a minute and have a "team prayer."  For some of those boys I know they have never prayed before, and I pray that our "team prayers" can become seeds of faith for each one of them that will grow and help them to become all that God created them to be.

In the Summer of 1977, after baseball season was over, I remember that I went to Vacation Bible School at Emmanuel Church in Abilene.  It was there that I first prayed and gave my heart to Jesus.  I remember my teacher, a lady named Marylou Stirtz, leading me to the Lord and saying, "Remember Robby, you can always call on Jesus..."  I tell the kids on my team the same thing every time we pray: "Remember Boys, you can always call on Jesus!"  It was her words that came to me on the first Sunday in April of 1989, as my own life was in total ruins, filled with the consequences of my own destructive actions, and I woke up knowing I had only three real choices that morning: "Suicide, Insanity or Jesus."  As I thought about those choices, I remembered the words of my VBS teacher from 1977 on that morning in 1989: "Robby, you can always call on Jesus."  I did just that in that moment, I called on Jesus, and I came back Home to Him, and He called me "Safe" at Home, and things have never been the same since.

So, why am I writing this...?  I honestly can't say.  What's the point...?  I'm not sure I know.  But, I do know this... "We are who we are now, in part because of who we were and what we went through when." 

In 1977, the New York Yankees became World Series Champions, soundly beating the Los Angeles Dodgers in 4 out of 6 games.  In my heart, for whatever reason, there will always be a Spiritual connection between the New York Yankees and my walk with Jesus.  And, what I really do as a traveling evangelist and preacher of the Gospel, is to do all that I can to help people call on Jesus, make it to "Home" and get into a personal and transformational relationship with Jesus. 

At the writing of this Blog the Yankees have over 50 wins, just passed the Season halfway mark, and are 2 games behind the Red Sox in the AL East.  I'm praying 2018'll once again be a GREAT year to be a Yankees fan, but for me every year is a GREAT year to be a Yankees Fan.  "Go Yankees!!!"

Keep On Keepin' On IN Jesus!

- Rob Schmutz
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 & Romans 10:13

Monday, June 18, 2018

Watchman Evangelism Updated Summer 2018 Preaching & Ministry Schedule

2018 Watchman Evangelism Ministries Preaching and Ministry Schedule (To Date):

If you see OPEN dates and you would like to contact me about an Evangelism Event in your Church or Community, A Speaking Engagement, or even Pulpit Supply, shoot me a direct FB Message, a text, or give me a call at: (316)200-0156.

I also offer Coaching, Training and Partnering Opportunities for Pastors, Churches and Community Action Teams.  Coaching, Trainings and Partnering opportunities are designed to equip ministry partners to more effectively engage and reach their communities for Jesus.   Feel free to call, email or direct message me for more info: (316)200-0156 /

And, if you’d like to become a Watchman Evangelism Ministries Monthly or Annual supporter, feel free to click the link below:

Thank you!


2018 Preaching & Ministry Schedule


June 2018 (Primarily Reserved for Coaching Baseball for my Boys)

6/2/18 - Wedding (Yoder, Ks)

6/3/18 - (Open Date)

6/10/18 - (AM) Sublette Church of The Nazarene / (PM) Eastern Mission Area Celebration - Woodland Lakes Community Church

6/17/18 - (Father’s Day - Reserved Family)

6/24/18 - (Open Date AM / Pre Marital Counseling PM)

July 2018

7/1/18 - (Open Date)

7/8, 7/9, 7/10/18 - Revival, Calvary Bible Church, Wichita, KS

7/14/18 - Preaching Water’s Edge Haysville 6pm

7/15/18 - Preaching - Winfield Naz

7/15-7/17 - KANSAS DISTRICT ASSEMBLY, Wichita 1st Naz

7/18-7/21 -Crosswinds Chrysalis event Garden City (Wed Eve - Sat Eve)

7/22/18 - Preaching - Winfield Naz

7/29-8/6 - (RESERVED / FAMILY / Senior Trip with Genna)

August 2018

8/5/18 - (Reserved Family Senior Trip With Genna)

8/11/18 - Wedding (KC, MO)

8/12/18 - (Open Date)

8/19/18-8/22/18 -  (Sun-Wed) Revival at Great Bend First Church of The Nazarene “Full Contact!”

8/24/18-8/26/18 - (Fri-Sun) Revival at Ebenezer UMC (Near Emporia) Olpe, KS

September 2018

9/1-9/5 - MOA Archery Elk Hunt

9/9-9/11/18 - Revival - “Back To The Future” - Cheney UMC

9/16/18 - (Open Date)

9/20-9/23/18 - Attending Minister & Mates Retreat Westcliffe, Colorado.

9/27/18-10/1/18 - REVIVAL - Abundant Harvest Church of the Nazarene -  “Full Contact!”

October 2018

10/7-10/10/18 - Bowie Texas Church of The Nazarene Revival

10/13/18 - MOA Fall ClayShoot

10/14/18 - (Open Date)

10/21/18 - Burns / Cassoday, KS  “iWalk” Training (All Day)

10/28/18 - (Open Date)

November 2018

11/4/18 - (Open Date)

11/11/18 - Newton 1st Church Naz
“Reaching Jerusalem”

11/13-11/21/18 - Ministry Outdoor Adventures 4th Annual Elk Hunt.

11/18/18 - (Currently Open Date)

11/25/18 - (Currently Open Date)

December 2018

12/2/18 - (Currently Open Date)

12/9/18 - (Currently Open Date)

12/16/18 - (Currently Open Date)

12/23/18 - (Currently Open Date)

12/30/18 - (Currently Open Date)


And, 2019 So Far...

4/26,27 & 28 - Cimmaron Naz - April 26, 27 (morning and evening) and ‪Sunday morning‬ the 28th.  This Event is called "RESONATE"

7/18/19 - 7/28/19 - PREACHING - Imperial Valley Holiness Association (Nebraska) Camp (IVHA)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Three Most Difficult Doors To Open In Church Planting...

"But you will receive power (and ability) when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.""

‭‭ACTS‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭AMP‬‬

The EASIEST Door to open...

Without a doubt, the easiest door to open, is one that has already been opened for you!  So, with that said, let me ask, have you received the "Power" promised in Acts 1:8... yet?  Be prepared here, because the truth may surprise you. According to Scripture, from Pentecost forward, this promise is actually an already opened door, that all believers, everywhere, have access to. So, if you have personally trusted Jesus as your Savior, and have asked and invited him into your life, the answer, and your personal reality as a believer, is "Yes, you have access to both the Power promised, and access to the availability of more power than you can even begin to imagine!" (Acts 2:17-21, 38-39, Romans 8:9-11, 10:9-10). In other words, that promise of God’s Holy Spirit is an existing open door to the supernatural meeting of every need God’s Church and you personally will ever face!  And, if you honestly feel like you don’t have it, then please understand, you can simply ask for it (Luke 11:13) and then you can trust that you have received, and you can start living like you have what you asked for. And, if you still (or ever) feel like you need more of God’s Spirit, more of God’s strength, more of God’s power, then ask for that too!  Whatever the need, there is more than enough Holy Spirit, more than enough power, more than enough gifting, more than enough God... to accomplish that which God desires in, and through, and for you... be specific, and, again, just start living like the need you have, the Holy Spirit, the power and the giftings you have asked for, have/has been provided.

If you still don’t "feel" like you have it, then go to an Altar of prayer and ask for it there, or go to someone in whom you see the obvious empowerment of the Holy Spirit that is evidenced in their lives and ask them to pray over and for you as you personally ask the Lord for what you need (with them in agreement in prayer with you, and as a witness to your prayer request).  Remember what Paul said to Timothy regarding the gifting he had received through the laying on of Paul’s hands in 2 Timothy 1:6.  

In my personal experience and understanding, God has provided us an open door to His Holy Spirit, His Power and His Gifts.  And there is always more power and there are always more giftings available to us.  Always!  Not only that, but God’s Word even encourages us to desire more or additional empowerment and giftings (1 Corinthians 12:31 & 14:1).  I truly believe God desires to pour His power through this door He has opened for us and into us so abundantly that others will see and believe, and that ultimately the church would be empowered and be continuously being built up (Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 12:7 & Ephesians 4:12) through the giftings and empowerment God provides.  

Remember, it’s not about "feeling" like you’ve got it, it’s about living like you’ve got it.  It’s about knowing what God’s Word says about what God has given and provided for you, and living like you believe it.  Again, in my personal experience, I have found that my "positive feelings" follow faithful action, they don’t usually come before it.  Even the 70 whom Jesus sent out in Luke 10 "came back" rejoicing (Luke 10:17) and the Scriptures even record that Jesus "rejoiced" as He celebrated their triumphant return and their obedience to His Word (Luke 10:21).  So, regarding the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, Ask for it, Wait for it, Believe you have Received it, and... Go for it!  


In 1966, the Psychedelic Rock band, "The Doors" wrote "Come on Baby Light My Fire." The song was predominantly written by Doors guitarist, Robby Krieger, with Jim Morrison actually only contributing the second verse and his signature vocals.  The song was recorded in August of 1966, and officially released in January of 1967.  Upon release, it was not only an instant classic, but in many ways became the sound of a generation, and is even today considered one of the top 100 best Rock songs of all time.  Rolling Stone Magazine ranks it #37 in it’s "500 Greatest Songs of All Time."

But, what does all this have to do with Church Planting and "Difficult Doors?"  "Light my Fire" is a song all about the impulsive abandonment of cultural and personal inhibitions in exchange for the flames of passion, regardless of the possibility of... even death.

"The time to hesitate is through...  No time to wallow in the mire...  Try now we can only lose...  And our love become a funeral pyre..." (Verse 2)

Practically speaking, I believe this is what we (the Church) need/needs more of today. The "Sanctified" fusion of Agape (self-sacrificial love) and Eros (passionate-pursuant desire) regarding our personal love for Jesus and our willingness to do whatever it takes to reach those He ultimately gave His life for.  What might a healthy dose of "Agape/Eros" look like in and through the Church today?  I think we can see it implied in places like Mark 12:30-31, John 13:35, 14:15, Romans 12:1-2 and Acts 1:8 (for a little "extra-credit" do a word study on the Greek word for "witnesses" used here), but why don’t we do better at living it out? Just imagine what might happen if we started living like we (Agape/Eros) loved Jesus and began (Agape/Eros) pursuing the lost in Jesus Name...  Might we be overcome with a passion and a purpose unlike anything we have ever known?

With all of that said, in my experience, THE THREE MOST DIFFICULT DOORS TO OPEN IN CHURCH PLANTING are:

#1) Your Front Door.  

- You can’t just stay home or stay inside the doors of your church meeting space or office and expect people who need Jesus to come to you. Mobile office, Meet your community, Make yourself Go!

#2) Your Car Door.  

- Driving by people who need Jesus is not enough. Stop the car, open the door and walk the streets. Driving by and through makes you a commuter, get out and be part of the community. 

#3) Every Door behind which the people you need to reach (in order for you to fulfill your calling as a Church-Planter) work, live and do life.

- Make yourself go... business to business, door to door, person to person. In "March Madness" terms, it’s time for a Man to Man, Full Court Press. Pound the pavement, press the flesh, own the town!  To the best of your ability, There should be nobody who knows the town better than you, and nobody more well known in the town than you. Be and Go where the people are every day! If your not "good" at this, get "good" at this.

See: Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:14-18, Matthew 7:7-8

Here are a few Door Opener Actions and Questions I’ll refer to as "Tactical Door Busters."


Prayers - (Pray everywhere you go, and Offer to pray for those whom you meet and get to know, as the Holy Spirit prompts.)

Notes - (Send notes, emails, texts, and FB Messages, of encouragement to those whom you meet and get to know.)

Gifts - (Donuts, Cinnamon Rolls, Free Lunches work wonders!  Drop by the local school office with donuts for the teachers and staff and watch the doors open up.)

Time - (Give your time to people you are meeting and getting to know.)

Service - (Volunteer to help with community, school and/or neighborhood events and activities.  Be available to meet needs as they arise in the community you are a part of.)

Presence - (Be where the people in your community are: Sporting Events, School Activities, Community Events, Ribbon Cuttings, Moving Vans, City Council Meetings, Law Enforcement Ride-Alongs, Their Workplaces, Your "Mobile Office," Lunches, Suppers, Restaurants, Etc!  BE CREATIVE & OBSERVANT!)


As you meet people, be casual, but also personal and approachable. Ask questions as you get to know them and as you see them from day to day.

"How’s Life?"

"How Can I Help?"

"How Can I Pray For You?"

AND, if you do actually ask one or all of these questions to a person God has placed before you and brought you to a moment of divine intersection with, then remember to Shut up and listen to them long enough to find out what the NEED really is, and who the PERSON really is who is speaking it to you.  Remember, People don’t care WHO you are and HOW much YOU know, until THEY can personally see and know HOW MUCH you really CARE to know WHO and HOW THEY really are.

And, When nothing really seems to be working, remember to... PRAY and KNOCK!  God’s got you!  Be Bold (2 Timothy 1:7-8)!  And, in light of the proximity of St. Patrick’s Day to this BlogPost, remember St. Patrick’s Prayer (also known as the "Morning Prayer," "St. Patrick’s Breastplate," or "The Lorica").  Whether St. Patrick actually wrote this prayer or not is functionally irrelevant, because THIS my friends, needs to be the daily prayer of the 21st Century Church-Planter!

"I arise today
... Through the strength of heaven;
 Light of the sun,
 Splendor of fire,
 Speed of lightning,
 Swiftness of the wind,
 Depth of the sea,
 Stability of the earth,
 Firmness of the rock.

I arise today...

Through God’s strength to pilot me;

God’s might to uphold me,

God’s wisdom to guide me,

God’s eye to look before me,

God’s ear to hear me,

God’s word to speak for me,

God’s hand to guard me,

God’s way to lie before me,

God’s shield to protect me,

God’s hosts to save me

Afar and anear,

Alone or in a multitude.

Christ shield me today

Against wounding...

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,

Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,

Christ on my right, Christ on my left,

Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,

Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,

Christ in the eye that sees me,

Christ in the ear that hears me.

I arise today... Through the mighty strength Of the Lord of creation."

- Keep On Keepin’ On In Jesus!

- Rob Schmutz