Monday, September 18, 2017

Church Planting: “A Day In The Life” Ministry Strategy

Watchman Evangelism 

Church Planting "A Day In The Life" Ministry Strategy

By: Rob Schmutz 

     (This post describes a strategically foundational, approach to Church-planting…. If you have not yet read my post on Prayer Walking, please scroll down. In addition to praying daily for and prayer walking in your mission field, pray also for the people God is bringing you, for the people you are trying to reach and for the future of the church God has called you to plant. Then, let your prayers be accompanied by intentional actions designed to effectively build the Kingdom and strategically reach people in your mission field for Jesus.)

List your daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly approach to ministry and consider projections of potential results.

(Fill in the blanks with the name of your church plant.)

  • Every day I will make at least 10 __________________ Connections in which I meet someone in the ___________________ community or area and introduce myself and pitch the ___________________ vision, giving them my card and inviting them to the next ___________________ event.  To the best of my ability I will then follow up (text, call, note, FB message...) with each contact I make within the week.  (The potential result of this is that after every 10 days I will have connected with at least 100 people, not to mention additional connections that will come due to family and friend relationships linked to those that I have connected with.)

- Every week I will personally lead and meet with a small group / home group of 10-12 persons and intentionally identify 1-3 persons and or 1-3 couples from that group whom I can entrust to start small groups / home groups at the conclusion of the initial existing small group.  (The potential result of this will be that I will equip a small group/home group which I will lead and then identify those whom I can empower to also repeat this highly effective process.  For example, if over 10 weeks of a small group, I identify 3 key persons whom I can then entrust to start small groups of 10 to 12 and teach them to also identify 1-3 key couples or persons from their group which they encourage to then start small groups/home groups after 10 weeks...  this can get crazy, quick!)

  • Every week / month I will try to attend community meetings (city council, board of education, PTO, chamber of commerce, community development, Lion’s Club, Kiwanis Club or other civic groups, etc.) in order to stay or become aware of community needs, activities and potential ministry opportunities.

- Every week I will meet key community leaders and business owners/managers as a means of developing relationships and promoting __________________.

- Every week I will meet with and develop relationships with those persons God is revealing to me or helping me identify as potential key Human Resources for growing ____________________ and reaching more people.  I will meet them for coffee, breakfast, lunch, or whatever venue works for them in order to develop a deeper relationship with them, disciple them, and help them to be fruitful carriers of the DNA I am trying to reproduce.  As I do this, I will help them understand that what I am doing with them as their pastor, I will need them to also do as key persons within the __________________ ministry.

To the best of my ability I will always have one or two of my people with me, and I will internationally Walk my people through the 5-Step "WITH" (We Intentionally Train Harvesters) empowerment process:

1) They watch me do ministry...

2) They Help me do ministry...

3) I help them do ministry... 

4) I watch them do ministry...

5) They do ministry...

Every Month: I will host "member-guest" events in which current attenders of ____________________ will be invited but will be required to invite someone else if they intend to attend:

- Guy's Movie Night

- Couple's Date Night

- Spoons Tournament

- ClayShoots

- Progressive Supper

- Escape Room

- ETC.

Seasonally/Quarterly/Every other Month: I will host large attraction events promoted through word of mouth, print materials, social media, direct mail, etc.  Similarly, if there are already existing traditional large community events, I will volunteer myself and the ____________________ church folks to participate and help.

- Movie in the park

- Swimming or Water-Park Event

- Christian Concert

- Community Christmas Candlelight svc.

- Trunk or Treat

- Fourth of July

- Free BBQ

- Etc.
